Partnership for success

A partnership between the City of Springville and the St. Clair County Commission to buy 250 acres of land to use as a commerce park is expected to deliver a sizable return – $500 million in investments from new companies employing 1,500 people.

The planned commerce park is located east of Wal-Mart and will be accessed from the County 23/I-59 interchange. “This will minimize any traffic impact while providing a location for quality companies to build and employ people from the surrounding area,” said Don Smith, executive director of the St. Clair County Economic Development Council. “The less we must drive for good paying jobs the better it is on the overall traffic congestion in the region.”

Further along in the development process, Kelly Creek Commerce Park is also on the receiving end of SEEDS grant, which will help run sewerage service to the park.

The EDC and St. Clair County Industrial Development Board are working with both partners to obtain grants and outside funds.  “Our focus is to minimize the local funds being invested into the parks but at the same time, develop a park that will provide jobs and taxes for decades.” 

 This park will be the only rail-served park in St. Clair County for new companies to locate.  “There are fewer and fewer rail sites in Alabama, and this park will give the I-59 corridor a recruitment advantage,” Smith predicted.  “We target advanced manufacturers in food production, automotive supplier and advanced metals.”

Based on the acreage and target sectors, “We believe we will be able to recruit multiple companies into the park,” Smith said.

The initial effort was boosted by a SEEDS grant that provided $2.1 million for the purchase of the property. The remaining funds needed were split between the county and city.

The SEEDS program was launched in 2023 to provide state funds to purchase and develop competitive properties for the state’s target sectors in Alabama.  The funds have a 50 percent local match with smaller communities and distressed counties a lower local match. 

In addition to the Springville grant, the EDC was able to obtain roughly $400,000 to run sewer to the new Kelly Creek Commerce Park, a similar project in Moody.  “It was the only missing piece of infrastructure needed to make the park complete,” Smith said.

Officials in Moody cut the ribbon on that 170-acre park in early 2023, and it is expected to generate 1.5 million square feet of distribution facility space and $125 million in investments in good paying jobs.

Looking ahead, the economic forecast for the county continues to be bright, Smith said. “We are in the running for a few manufacturing projects in Moody and Pell City.  I also believe we will have several impactful retail projects to announce in the upcoming months throughout the county.”

He credited residential growth as the factor “now catching the eye of many retailers that just 10 years ago would have passed on us.  They see our growing household income and job creation numbers and are ready to invest in St. Clair County.”

A local look at new rules for Realtors

Story by Carol Pappas

There’s more to being a Realtor than opening a door and showing a home, and a settlement by the National Association of Realtors that took effect Aug. 17 is being viewed as a means of demonstrating just that.

The suit centered on the nondisclosure of a buyer’s agent commission when a house is sold. The commission for agents for the buyer and the seller was shared, averaging about a 6percent split. As part of the settlement, the commission for the buyer’s agent and the seller’s agent are no longer shared when a home is on the Multiple Listing Service

“This is not a bad thing,” said ERA King CEO Josh Wright. “It’s us being more transparent in dealing with the client.”

Basically, the seller’s price increased to cover the total commission, and it appeared the buyer’s agent was working for free.

Now Realtors disclose who is paying and how. “Commission was always negotiable, it’s just more transparent is all as an industry we’re doing,” Wright said. A real estate agent is not part of the contract. The agreement is between the buyer and seller, and the commission is part of that agreed upon price.

Since the requirements of the suit have gone into effect, “we haven’t seen much disruption,” he said. As the trainer for ERA’s sales force, he stresses that they need to understand their own value to the process and relate that to the client.

He pointed to the over 100 services Realtors provide to their clients. Some of the key services include property valuation, negotiating the contract, marketing the house – a sizable cost and undertaking – overseeing the inspection process to make sure it is done thoroughly and facilitating appraisals.

Wright, whose background is in finance, sees the outlook for the housing market in a positive light. The Federal Reserve cut interest rates by a half point in September, which will have a good impact on financial markets, but it’s not expected to impact mortgage rates significantly in the immediate future. A better indicator, he said, is the 10-year treasury bond. Mortgage rates follow that trend.

Over the next 12 months, he expects mortgage rates to slowly drop, probably into the 5.5 percent to 6.25percent range. In the fourth quarter of 2025 or into the first quarter of 2026, he anticipates mortgage rates to be in the high 4percent range.

Rates would need to get into the 5percent to 5.5percent range “before it starts booming again. It’s closer to a buyer’s market right now.” A buyer’s vs. seller’s market is determined by how long a house is on the market. When it’s less than six months, it’s a seller’s market.

“We’re closer to a buyer’s market,” Wright said. “We’re starting to see things getting more normal.”

During the COVID pandemic, new construction “went away,” he said. Now it’s coming back in significant ways. In St. Clair, much of the growth is due to large builders developing subdivisions with a high number of homes and having the ability to offer their own mortgage rates in the 5.5percent range.

It’s still good news, Wright reasoned. “Overall, it’s the sign of a healthy market and a great one for our local economy.”

Life is rarely predictable

In fact, it’s littered with so much uncertainty it’s really best not to form any preconceived ideas or make too bold of assumptions about what the future holds. Because the truth is…  You. have. no. idea. 

You will walk through things you never thought you would.  You will find yourself in situations for which you absolutely can’t prepare. You will be forced to make hard decisions you never thought you’d have to make. You will make false friends and feel the sting of their ulterior motives. You will be humbled and have your heart broken. You will try and fail and face unexpected consequences and disappointments.  You will lose people you love and thought you’d get to keep forever. 

But you will also find love and unshakable friends. The right people stay, and the wrong ones will go. You will find grace and forgiveness are the best gifts you can give and receive.  You will learn grit grows best in tough times, and trials really are the best teachers.  You will find light in dark places and compassion in the eyes of hard faces.  You may find your broken heart held together by unexpected hands and mended in ways you can’t really comprehend. 

And just as soon as you start to assume you’ve got a solid grip on your life … 

It will shift and surprise you all over again.

– Mackenzie Free –

Wife, mother, photographer & current resident of the unassumingly magical town of Steele, Alabama

St. Clair Outdoors

Story by Loyd McIntosh
Staff photos

Located just off of St. Clair County 9 in Springville, Big Canoe Creek Nature Preserve can make you forget you’re just a mile or two away from the highway’s busy intersection of U.S. 11  in the middle of town.

As you drive along the winding, two-lane road covered with trees, you can already feel the temperature drop, even on this hot-as-molten-lava day in mid-August. It’s possible to roll your window down and take in a nice breeze.

The entrance to Big Canoe Creek is just under a half-mile past Homestead Hollow, but, if you’re not paying attention, you can drive right by it without noticing it.

Once you arrive on site, you’re reminded immediately of just how spectacular this part of St. Clair County truly is. On today’s visit, the sky overhead is mostly blue with a few clouds meandering by, and everywhere you look, you see green – undisturbed green. In a word, it’s breathtaking.

The Preserve, which opened to the public in February 2024, began to take shape when Alabama’s Forever Wild Land Trust purchased 382 acres of land in Springville in 2018. A year later the trust added 40 acres, bringing the Preserve to its massive footprint of 422 acres.

Preserve’s Historic Path

The Preserve’s caretaker and longtime advocate is Doug Morrison, now manager of it for the City of Springville. His interest in the area’s preservation goes back to 2007 while serving as the president of the Friends of Big Canoe Creek. Upon learning that the property was being eyed for development, Morrison and other members of Friends of Big Canoe lobbied the Springville City Council to take action to protect the creek.

Doug Morrison on the trail

At minimum, they asked for a riparian buffer, a strip of trees, grass, or shrubs either planted or left intact to protect bodies of water from development. Morrison said they even looked at what other nearby cities were doing to protect other bodies of water.

“A lot of times, developers will just clear every tree, and all of that sediment just goes into the creek,” says Morrison. “We were just trying to get them to be better stewards of the earth and at least leave riparian buffers.

“We even looked at some ordinances that Trussville had, for instance, with the Cahaba River and how they have setbacks leaving riparian buffers, basically just saying ‘leave the natural vegetation that’s already there,’ “ Morrison recalls.

Soon after the developers scrapped their plans altogether in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, and Morrison and others continued their quest to preserve and protect the creek and surrounding property.

Upon learning about the Forever Wild Land Trust, an initiative created by the state of Alabama in the early 90s, Morrison began approaching landowners about nominating their land for a potential sale to Forever Wild, a goal that took almost a decade of negotiations to accomplish.

With help from Springville and St. Clair County leadership and the owners of Homestead Hollow, the initial 386 acres were sold to Forever Wild in 2018.

Morrison says the creek had been affected by other developments in the area over the years, but it is now well on its way to full recovery. Big Canoe Creek is home to more than 58 species of fish, making it number one in Alabama in aquatic biodiversity. It is number four nationally in total biodiversity, and number one in the nation in aquatic diversity.

Still, Morrison says efforts are needed to protect “the special critters” of Big Canoe Creek. For instance, the creek is home to the Big Canoe Creek Club Shell, a mussel that can only be found in Big Canoe Creek that was listed as endangered in 2022.

“That’s one of the things we’re trying to tout and educate people about is our waterways are important, they’re special. They are home to a lot of different species of animals, and they’re disappearing at an alarming rate,” explains Morrison. “So hopefully with this preserve, we can get an educational program off the ground to help teach people about our great biodiversity.”

Today’s Path(s)

Big Canoe Creek Nature Preserve boasts four trails, Creek Loop Trail, Easy Rider Trail, Fallen Oak Trail and Slab Creek Trail, ranging from 1.2 miles to 2.5 miles in length available for a mixture of uses – hiking, biking and horseback riding.

All sorts of interesting finds along the trail

You can also canoe or kayak with outfitters on the creek offering gear rentals and guided tours along the creek.

This writer, on the day of his visit, hiked for a bit along the Fallen Oak trail and the Easy Rider Trail, and was struck by the preserve’s natural, rustic beauty – if the word “rustic” isn’t redundant when discussing nature. After a few yards of crushed gravel, the trails give way to narrow dirt paths winding along the natural topography of the land under dense tree cover. The trails are suitable for novices and children, however, anyone who is moderately active to the most experienced hikers will enjoy the trails and the chance to see a variety of wildlife, including the occasional deer.

Morrison says this is the ultimate goal of Big Canoe Creek Preserve: to give everyone a chance to experience the natural surroundings and biodiversity of Big Canoe Creek. He added that the organization, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, is exploring grants for the construction of a pavilion where they can hold educational events and field trips for the county’s school children.

“We want classes to go on field trips and along the trails and along the creeks and just experience nature,” Morrison says. He references an influential book by non-fiction author and journalist Richard Louv titled, Last Child In The Woods. In the book, Louv coined the term “nature deficit disorder,” a concept that resonated with Morrison and one he hopes to remedy over time.

Through the Preserve, he says, “We’re hoping we can do away with nature deficit disorder in St. Clair County.” llock repairman.Goforth, Mayor Thomas, Lucy Cleaver, Lee Jeffrey, Mandi Rae Trot, Candice Hill, Blair Goodgame and Morrison; Springville Parks and Rec Board; bands and individual musicians who played on the side stage and vendors.

Banners honor Moody’s heroes

Story by Cherith Fluker
Photos by Graham Hadley

In the heart of Moody, a touching tribute to military veterans has taken root.

The Veterans Banner Program, which began in 2023, is a community-driven initiative to honor those who have served in the armed forces. Spearheaded by city officials and embraced by residents, this program is more than just a display of banners; it’s a testament to the city’s deep respect and gratitude for its local military service members, past and present.

The idea for the Moody Veterans Banner Program was inspired by similar efforts in nearby cities like Jasper and Montevallo. City Councilman Ellis Key, after visiting these towns, was enthusiastic about bringing a similar tribute to Moody. Mayor Joe Lee and Mayor Pro Tem Linda Crowe had been advocating for a way to honor local veterans, and after three years of planning and discussions, the program finally launched.

In August of 2023, the city began selling banners to families who wanted to honor their loved ones who have served the country. By Veterans Day, the first nine banners were proudly displayed. The program’s popularity grew quickly, with additional banners added for Memorial Day and Patriots Day. In the first year of the program, the city displayed 14 banners.

Each banner tells a unique story. One banner honors a West Point graduate and decorated Vietnam War veteran, while another recognizes a Vietnam War veteran who received both a Bronze and Silver Star. Three of the banners displayed honor a father who fought in WWII and his two sons, one of whom fought in Vietnam.

Banners around the Moody Library

Moody resident Jimmy Banks surprised his mother with a banner honoring his father and her father. Additionally, there is a banner dedicated to a WWII soldier who was killed in Luxembourg.

Program organizers are hopeful that the Veterans Banner program will continue to inspire future generations.

Moody’s Mayor Assistant Melissa Fraser says the community’s response has been overwhelmingly positive. Residents frequently inquire about the cost and eligibility criteria for the banners. Fraser emphasized that the banners are not limited to veterans. They can honor anyone currently serving or who has served in the past.

Longtime Moody resident Kathy Lunsford shared her excitement about the Moody Veterans Banner Program. She recently purchased banners for herself and her husband, William. Both Kathy and William are Air Force veterans who met during their service. Kathy was inspired to participate after seeing the banners displayed while leaving the library. Lunsford said, “As a veteran, I am proud of the time I served in the military. It is an honor to have served my country. I’m looking forward to my and my husband’s banners being displayed soon. I can’t wait to show our children and our family.”

The banner program has received an overwhelmingly positive response from honorees and the community. “One particularly memorable reaction came from a woman who surprised her husband with a banner. Responses like these show the pride families feel in recognizing their loved ones’ service,” shared Fraser.

Starting the program wasn’t without its challenges. Initially, finding appropriate locations to display the banners was a concern. Currently, the banners are displayed near the Civic Center at 200 Civic Center Drive in Moody. This location has been well-received by the public.

Additionally, maintaining the banners, which are subject to weather wear and tear, requires careful logistics. The city’s Public Works Department plays a crucial role in displaying the banners during patriotic holidays.

Gilreath Printing and Signs, LLC, a Pell City business, has been instrumental in creating high-quality banners. The Gilreaths have consistently produced banners that families and the community are proud of. “Even when families submit older photos that are worn and faded, Mr. and Mrs. Gilreath, along with their graphic designer, Dani Chistopherson, have made the banners look fantastic,” Fraser added.

The program is not designed to be a money-making venture. The $200 fee for each banner covers the costs of production and their picture being featured in an exhibit at the Moody Museum. This exhibit will have a dedicated room where the veterans’ legacies will be preserved for future generations.

As the program grows, there are plans to expand the banner displays to Moody Crossroads and eventually along Highway 411.

Fraser believes that other cities could benefit from starting similar programs. Her advice is straightforward: “It’s a deeply rewarding program that brings communities together and honors those who have served.” The cooperation and dedication of city partners and local businesses have been key to the program’s success.

For those interested in purchasing a banner, Fraser advises contacting her at least a month before one of the key patriotic holidays for the displays that are expected to continue to grow.

And rightly so, say city officials. The program stands as a beacon of gratitude and community spirit, honoring the brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving their country.

Banners can be purchased for $200 each, which guarantees three years of display. Additionally, the honoree’s picture will be featured at the City of Moody Museum and on the city’s website. l

Editor’s note: If you have any questions or if you would like to purchase a banner for a service member, contact Melissa Fraser at the City of Moody at (205) 640-0307 or

Keep on tickin’

Story by Elaine Hobson Miller
Photos by Graham Hadley

James Denney had been a jewelry repairman for six years when a woman brought him an antique Ansonia clock. Probably made in the late 1800s or early 1900s, it had not run in 40 years.

 “I know you do jewelry repairs, think you can do clocks?,” she asked Denney. He could tell her heart was in it, so he took a stab at it.

“Turns out all it needed was cleaning and oiling,” he says. “She had tears in her eyes when she picked it up. That got me started.”

Denney had gone to school to learn jewelry repairing, but there are no such schools for repairing clocks. So, he bought a series of video tapes on the subject and began tinkering with grandfather clocks and grandmother clocks, the latter being smaller versions of the former. And yes, there are (even smaller) granddaughter clocks, too, but he hasn’t serviced any of those. He also works on mantel and wall clocks.

James Denney heating up a piece of jewelry he made

The first clock that he actually repaired came back to him, but he got it right the second go-round. “It’s very rare that someone doesn’t say how happy they are with my being here because it’s so hard to find a clock man,” Denney says.

Even though self-taught, he does have a filial background to draw from. His step-grandfather, Kirk E. Ross, ran Ross’ Jewelry in downtown Pell City in the 1960s. “I watched him my whole life,” Denney says. “Also, my dad was a jeweler for about five or six years, and an uncle had a jewelry shop in Florence.”

His business name, X-Dross Jewelry & Clock Repair, is a blend of names and a Biblical meaning. “My dad’s name was Denney, and his stepfather was named Ross,” he explains. “I wanted to blend my step-granddad’s name with mine, hence Dross. Then I found that word in the Bible, in Exodus, where God describes his people as having become ‘dross,’ meaning having impurity or foreign matter to them. In other words, slag. So, I added an ‘X’ to indicate ‘no dross,’ because it was Xed out.”

His shop is on the second floor in a building that houses several shops at 1600 Martin Street, just off US 231. His wife, Crystal, has a specialty dog boutique, Jazz’m Up Pet Salon, on the first floor. The front room of X-Dross is both the entry area and his clock workshop. It’s decorated with plants, clocks and paintings of Jesus, while a Bible can often be found on the arm of a comfy sofa.

A back room serves as a place for jewelry repair and includes a high-speed steamer for cleaning small items, a small Crockpot for acid dips, and an ultra-sonic jewelry cleaner. His watch and jewelry lathe is in his storage room, and there’s another storage room that he hopes to turn into a display area some day. He’s buying a new lathe for clock works because bigger gears require bigger tools.

If you’re in the shop at the top of the hour, you’ll hear five of his own clocks chime, but not all at once. He set them to chime in succession. At home, he has two clocks, one a grandfather that’s a regulator” clock (powered by a weighted and geared mechanism). He changed out the handles with drawer knobs, painted the case and used adhesive blue varnish over the paint, and replaced its Korean-style motor with a German movement by Hermle.

He has serviced many brands of antique clocks, including a green mantel clock with Greek columns on each side of the clock face that was manufactured by the Sessions Clock Company.

He once took in a Black Forest cuckoo clock that had a “messed up” music box. He replaced one mechanism on it. He’s working on an Hermle mantel clock for a friend. “It probably has a bent timing arbor,” Denney says.

He restored the body of a crystal-enclosed mantel clock from the late 1700s or early 1800s by sanding it with fine sandpaper and steel wool, then buffing it.

Grandfather clocks are his favorites to work on because they are bigger, so it’s much easier to see the components. “I really enjoy restoring the cases as well as the workings,” he says. “The other day, a man brought me a Waterbury Clock Company clock from an old fire station that had caught on fire. Half the gears were bent. I bent them back, and it worked fine.”

 The toughest he’s ever worked on was a Herschede brand, a grandfather clock with a tube in back and a big hammer that hits on the hour and plays music. “The pendulum was not in sync with the gears, but I fixed it,” he says. “I had to readjust the pendulum’s swing and adjust the verge (tick-tock motion) mechanism.”

Another man brought in an Ingraham clock, and Denney replaced the motor, because the man was in a hurry and did not have time to wait for him to fix the movement. “Every job finished brings me a sense of accomplishment,” Denney says.

He has also repaired small timepieces, like a clock face in a tiny figure in the shape of a teapot. That one simply needed its hands bent and a new battery. “I work on all types of clocks now, but eventually will give up battery-powered ones,” he says.

So, what are the requirements for what he does? “Patience and finesse,” he says. “I don’t get bored with my work, and I have an eye for details.’

Showing how the hammers in a chime mechanism are timed

A favorite aspect of his business is making house calls. That’s right, this clock repairman will go to your house to service your clocks. “I like to service clocks in people’s houses because I like meeting people,” he explains. “Often, all the clock needs is a slight adjustment, but they want to keep their clocks going so I will oil them. I use a synthetic oil because it cleans and lubes without leaving a residue to build up, the way natural oil does.”

Recently, Denney has started “messing around” with gold plating on jewelry. He picks up a chain with an initial pendant on it, explaining, “That one didn’t turn out as shiny as I wanted.” He’s doing it for a friend. He can make gold or silver rings using a mold made of cuttlefish bone. “Each mold can only be used once because the hot metal burns it,” he says.

As for watches, their seals tend to dry rot and break, or corrosion can set in, or the hands come loose. Sometimes, the numbers on a watch face come off. But he can handle any of those problems. Ironically, there’s a wooden puzzle hanging on one wall of his shop that functions as a clock … when it works. That makes for an interesting conversation with a clock repairman.Goforth, Mayor Thomas, Lucy Cleaver, Lee Jeffrey, Mandi Rae Trot, Candice Hill, Blair Goodgame and Morrison; Springville Parks and Rec Board; bands and individual musicians who played on the side stage and vendors.