Sometimes the ‘Amen’ must come before the prayer.

Sometimes we must have full trust in the ending before we’ve even begun.

As in the garden, we plant and sow good seeds and then we whisper up, ‘Amen’

(which by definition, means ‘so be it’)

Our prayers come later…

Often paired with our productivity.

Our diligence, perseverance and tired bodies become a part of the prayer process.

We dirty our hands and cleanse our souls out in the garden.

And often find that forgiveness, too, can grow out there in the dirt if, like the proverb says, we try our best to “plant kindness and gather love.”

But we won’t always get it right…

…in the garden or life.

Growth isn’t always what we want it to be.

Some things suffer blight, drought or grow weak by insufficient light.

But we learn from our mistakes,

trust we must let go of what we cannot control, press on into a new season, plant again…

…and whisper, ‘Amen.’

– Mackenzie Free –

Wife, mother, photographer & current resident of the unassumingly magical town of Steele, Alabama

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