I decided years ago to just let my children ‘be’.
‘Be’ whoever they are, however they are.
I decided to let them be wild or tame… soft or loud … friendly or shy … serious or silly.
I decided to let them draw dragons and pick flowers, play with dolls and dump trucks, climb trees, catch frogs and take mud baths.
I let them be right, I let them be wrong.
I let them be bold and meek, scared and brave, emotional and unmoved.
I let them go barefoot and pick their own clothes.
I let them fall in line or be daringly different.
I let them try, and l let them fail.
I let them take risks and learn to trust themselves.
And it’s an amazing thing to witness … the miraculous metamorphosis of their “becoming.”
There is so much beauty and freedom found in watching our children become who they are.
– Mackenzie Free –
Wife, mother, photographer & current resident of the unassumingly magical town of Steele, Alabama