Officials break ground on
18-acre campus in Odenville
Story and photos
by Carol Pappas
On a hilltop above Odenville a vision is rising up to meet the needs of the community and well beyond the city’s borders.
ONEeighty Church, just as the name implies, represents the degree to which lives can be turned around, and that’s the purpose of the 18 acres that hilltop overlooks. Officials have broken ground on a massive new campus near Interstate 59 on Alabama 174 at Odenville.
The church began in a vacant Ace Hardware building in Springville as a ministry of Clear Branch United Methodist Church in 2009. Two years into it, it grew to become a standalone church. Cam Price was pastor for a year and a half before Gresh Harbuck became the pastor, and she named it ONEeighty – symbolic of turning lives around. Four years ago, it launched as non-denominational and has now grown well past its walls.
Leaders were led to build a new church and other buildings on the acreage and even though it began in Springville, Harbuck said they never viewed ONEeighty as a Springville church. “It’s a community church – one gigantic circle of owners. They take ownership in the Great Commission. Members pay dues. Owners have responsibilities and are on a mission, winning one more for Jesus Christ.”
When they were first looking for a new home, Realtor Lyman Lovejoy envisioned the ideal place as a piece of property that wasn’t even for sale. “They won’t sell it to me, but they might sell it to you,” he remembers telling them. He is credited with approaching the owner with the idea of transforming the piece of land into a place of worship and life-changing experiences.
The owners understood the vision, too, noting that it would be the perfect legacy for their father. And the deal was done.
“Our goal is to really focus on people who never would walk into a normal church,” said Harbuck, describing it as “very contemporary,” welcoming “all walks of life” to venture through its doors.
The growth has been evident. Easter Sunday, apparently all roads led to ONEeighty Church with people attending from Argo, Odenville, Pinson, Gadsden and Springville. “We’re not an Odenville church,” Harbuck said. “We’re not a Springville church. We’re a community church. We want lukewarm Christians to turn into purpose-filled Christians who will be the hands and feet of Jesus. We want to help the hurting and the broken.”
Of the church’s approach, Harbuck explained, “This is a great place to fall in love with Jesus.” Small groups are how they disciple people, giving them a more intimate, close-knit experience. The youth group is packed with activities and is “growing by leaps and bounds.” Celebrate Recovery – one of the largest in the state – continues to make a sizable impact on addictions throughout the region. It partners with Lovelady Center, Brother Bryan and jail ministries in Ashville and Oneonta.
Celebrate Recovery, coordinated by Ministry Leader Joyce Simonson, was 300 strong before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. They still feed 200 there every Friday night. “We view ourselves as recovery ministries,” said Harbuck, who once served as CR Ministry Leader himself.
Looking ahead to what that Odenville hilltop will become, Harbuck said, the new church campus will house the worship center, a sanctuary that can seat 600, lobby and children’s area in the first phase on top of the site. Second phase will be a dining hall, small group rooms and offices, and the third phase is a courtyard outside the worship area.
Beyond that, “God gives us the next steps,” Harbuck said. “We will look at the needs of Odenville. If the needs in the community change, we’ll change.
Johnny Evans and James Barker, who are active in the church and have a background in contracting, will oversee the project. Cline Construction is the builder.
“Even though we’re moving the building, it doesn’t mean the DNA changes,” Harbuck stressed. “We want to be a light to the community, helping the outcast and broken,” he said at the groundbreaking ceremony.
Lay Leader John Rich called it “a big milestone for us. This is a community church – one group, all together. This means a lot.”
And it means much to the community that surrounds it. “Thank you for your vision,” Odenville Mayor Buck Christian told those in attendance at the groundbreaking. “We’re excited to see what the future holds. The campus will be explosive” in terms of growth. “Welcome to Odenville. We are extremely excited about what this will mean to Odenville. The growth potential is unlimited.”
Harbuck agreed. “God has been blessing us and growing us.”