DeLoach Farms

Bringing good food
right to your door

Story by Roxann Edsall
Photos by Mackenzie Free
Submitted photos courtesy of DeLoach Farms

“Being married to a farmer is like being married to a professional gambler,” Kate DeLoach says. “There is so much investment to get a crop in the field.”

With variables like weather, labor shortages and the trade environment over which they have no control, keeping up their 840-acre farm is hard work. Kate and John DeLoach own and operate DeLoach Farms in Vincent, just across the St. Clair County line.

They have survived by taking lessons learned from the past and from the current pandemic and turning them into new opportunities.

The past two years have seen tremendous change in the farm, going from primarily producing soybean, cotton, wheat, hay and corn, to serving more of the needs of the local community.

John’s great grandfather used to deliver kids to school in this school bus, then load up vegetables to peddle on the courthouse square in Pell City.

Their decision to offer farmer’s choice food boxes came out of a desire to meet the needs of the community at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. They would put together a variety of fruits and vegetables in each box and meet customers for pickup. They now offer a full farm-to-table food box option with deliveries around St. Clair and Shelby counties. 

Kate says their son, Jess, developed the farm-to-table food box program. He is an accounting major at Troy University. He came home just a few months into college when the pandemic shut things down. He dreamed it up and started selling the boxes while he was home.

It has been wildly popular, and Kate says they are hoping to include meat and eggs in addition to the fruits and vegetables this year. There are several options offered and include things grown on the DeLoach farm and by other nearby farms.

The U-Pick strawberry patch was also inspired by Jess. They have nine acres dedicated to strawberries and grow several different varieties. Unable to keep up with the demand last year, they have more than doubled their number of plants from 35,000 to 75,000 this year.

Dozens of people are scattered throughout the fields on a sunny Wednesday enjoying the strawberry picking experience. A grandma holds the hand of a giggly little girl with strawberry-stained fingers and mouth.

Another customer checks out with her five gallons of strawberries. She’s making strawberry jam today.

Still another is from Michigan, visiting her cousin, who brought her here to enrich her Southern experience. They’re planning to make strawberry shortcake later in the day.

These are the people John works so hard for. “People and strawberries are my favorite,” he says. “Getting to see the people enjoy the fruits (literally) of your labor is pretty great.”

“We so appreciate people who support the local farmer,” adds Kate. “The local buyers help to insulate us from the global supply chain issues. We kind of support each other.”

Serving his community is a labor of love for John, whose ancestors bought the land on the banks of Kelly Creek back in 1820. For him, it’s also about respecting the land and his heritage.

The land is traced back to John’s great-great-great-grandfather, John Martin, Sr., who moved from South Carolina to what was St. Clair County (before the county lines were redrawn) and bought the land to start his life with his new wife, Sarah. His son, John Martin, Jr., returned to the farm from the Civil War after having his arm amputated due to injuries sustained in the war.

Fast forward to 1915, and Frank Harrison Lowe, John DeLoach’s grandfather, was born in the two-room house on the farm. The farm thrived for more than a decade, then fell into decay and neglect during the Depression. Frank returned to the farm after World War II and began working to bring it back to its former glory.

Kate feeds catfish at their fishing cabin

Tremendous progress had been made by the time John was born. John remembers being a young boy and working alongside his grandfather on the farm. Watching his grandfather help a cow struggle to deliver her calf is one of his earliest memories. When his grandfather died in 1988, John promised his grandmother that if she kept the farm, he would take care of it. He worked the farm every day after school. When he graduated from high school at 16, he took over the daily operations.

Over 30 years later, running the farm keeps him very busy. He’s up each morning by 4:30 and falls back into bed exhausted by 7:30 most evenings. While he has a handful of people who work for him, he does a lion’s share of the work himself.

Beyond the planting and harvesting work, he even finds time to make furniture, like the picnic tables in the strawberry patch, with materials sourced on the farm. He runs fallen trees through the planer in his sawmill to be able to use what would be wasted. 

He built a small fishing cabin with salvaged wood from former structures on the land and with cedar harvested there. The ceiling beams are from an old barn on the property that used to house a live nativity during Christmas.

Being a good steward of the land is one of the reasons he was honored as Alabama Farmer of the Year in 2018. That same year, DeLoach Farms was named the 2018 Alabama Farm of Distinction. For that award, farms are judged on sustainability, success as a business and conservation mindedness.

John credits his grandfather with instilling in him the need to responsibly care for the land and the creatures that use it. “We do a lot of conservation on the land,” he says. “We have beehives and plant things like clover and partridge peas for the wildlife. We have deer, fox, bobcats and lots of birds.”

Twenty acres of property is set aside as wetlands.  The area is filled with stately tupelo trees, an important food source and shelter for migratory birds. It is also equipped with a special pump system that fills and empties the wetlands seasonally to support the health and sustainability of the habitat.

They live in the 10-room farmhouse built by John’s great-grandfather in 1918. “My granddad’s name in still written on a shelf in one of the bedrooms,” John says. It identified his grandfather’s personal storage space in a house full of children. The house was lovingly dubbed the “Halfway House,” because people said it was “halfway between where you were and where you needed to go.” And, according to family legend, it was a great place to stop for supper.

The house was also home to the first telephone line that connected local townspeople with doctors in nearby towns. It was installed in 1915 to give residents a way to connect people to the doctor in Vincent or the one in Easonville, the St. Clair County town now under water when Logan Martin Lake was created in 1965. They just had to make their way to the house and John’s great great-grandmother, Eva, would patch them through.

John’s great-grandfather, John Marion Lowe, also served the area by buying a school bus in 1925 to take rural children to school. After dropping them off at school, he’d come back to the farm, load up fresh produce and take it in to Pell City to sell.

The farm is one of eight in the state to be recognized as a Bicentennial Farm, a program that honors families who have owned and operated their farm for 200 years or more. “That’s quite a big deal,” explains Kate. “It gets harder and harder each year to stay open. There’s a lot of pressure to sell as the city creeps closer and closer.

“We’d love for someone to be here 200 years from now talking about the family farm.” But Kate adds, “It’s a hard way to make a living. We’ve never placed any expectations of farming on Jess.” His business and marketing sense in directing the food box deliveries and strawberry U-Pick operation seem to support that possibility.

DeLoach Farms seems to be playing the long game. When the chips were down, they adjusted to meet the changing needs in the community. And they are growing again.

They have purchased adjacent property with plans to add a blackberry U-Pick operation in a year or two. There are also tentative plans for an apple orchard. This summer they look forward to opening a new area for picking sunflowers.

They will also have vegetables for sale all summer. If you are interested in the farm-to-table food boxes, contact them via Facebook, on Instagram or at l

A Fitting Tribute

St. Clair rodeo honors Tanner Carleton

Story by Carol Pappas
Photos by Mackenzie Free
and Jolie Free

If you didn’t know Tanner Carleton, the 11-year-old boy who lost his life in a tragic accident at St. Clair County Arena, a single photo seemed to have the ability to capture the essence of his passion.

The youngster’s eyes peer out beneath the oversized brim of a cowboy hat, a wide grin crossing his face, telling you all you needed to know. Cowboy life fit him as comfortably as a well-worn pair of jeans.  Life fit him just fine. There was no mistaking it.

Friends and family talked endlessly of his love of everything cowboy.

When the annual St. Clair Cattleman’s Rodeo was heading to St. Clair Arena, he wanted to be there, helping get things set up the day before. He was like that. Always ready to help. And it was there in one of the places he loved best – the rodeo – doing what he loved best – offering a helping hand.

“He was a real good boy, well mannered, always willing to help,” said Adam Stansell, president of the Cattleman’s Association.

It would have been understandable for the rodeo to be cancelled. But recognizing their son’s love for it, parents Lacey and Trevor Carleton encouraged the cattlemen to go on with the rodeo. Tanner would have wanted it that way, they said.

“Tanner Carleton has been a fan of rodeos from a very young age,” the Cattleman’s Association announced on March 9. “With his parents’ complete support and absolute insistence, we will move forward with the 3rd Annual St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Rodeo.”

The rodeo, the association’s largest fundraiser, did indeed go on, but not before a poignant tribute to the young cowboy.

Tanner had a zest for life. He put his all into every endeavor. He was as passionate about his baseball as he was being a cowboy. Countless photos show him in uniform year after year, one where he was even sporting a championship ring.

Dozens of fellow players from various teams he played with circled the arena the night of the tribute, a show of respect for their beloved teammate. The arena darkened, and a small line of fire began to light a path in its center, eventually forming the shape of a baseball diamond.

As the announcer began, the fire followed his words, symbolizing Tanner’s run of the bases – to first base, on to second, rounding third and heading quickly to home. Tanner, he said, “lived life to the fullest of his ability. He loved life. He loved his friends, and he had a passion for baseball. That young man was always swinging for the fence.”

As the fire blazed its path toward home plate, the announcer referenced the uncertainty of life and the absence of a guarantee of another day. “We don’t know if we are in the home stretch,” he told the crowd. “We might be. You need to hug your family, hug your friends and tell them you love them every chance you get. Tonight, Tanner has made that home run.”

And with a nod to Tanner’s passion for life, he said, “Take time to remember that cowboy smile.”

A rider on horseback galloped through the arena carrying an American flag to conclude the tribute and signal the beginning of the rodeo that Tanner would have wanted to go on.

Tanner’s photo – the one with the cowboy hat and that contented grin – hung above the gate as each of the rodeo competitors entered the arena. It was their personal reminder of that cowboy smile.

“He ran his race spiritually,” his parents said. “He ran home to the Lord. He was all about church. He loved being there, he even went on Spring break one time just to help plant flowers.”

That’s just the way he was. He loved helping others.

Across the community, an outpouring of love and compassion has enveloped the family in the days since, offering comforting remembrances of a special young man.

A sampling of social media posts from those who knew him help tell his story and his impact in a life cut too short:

We will never forget your smile. You just being you.

Playing baseball with the greats now! Rest easy, sweet boy.      

With broken hearts, the Williams Intermediate School family is praying for Tanner’s family, friends, teachers and classmates. Rest in peace, sweet boy.

I knew the first time I ever met him that he was special. He was good, good like deep down in his bones, all the way to the center of his soul. He worked harder than most grown men and had more compassion in his little finger than some have their entire life. But the one thing that radiated out of him like laser beams was how unconditionally thoughtful he was … just good as gold and steady as a rocker.

I am so thankful to have known your kind heart, if only for a few short years. You taught me (along with tons of others!) what it means to put others needs first – before ourselves, to be selfless, the very essence of Jesus Christ.

What an example of a Christian, a son, a student, a cowboy, an athlete, a worker, and the list goes on and on.

From his parents, came their own heartfelt message:

We miss his smile, his laugh and so much more than we could ever imagine about you, son! We miss seeing you on the ballfield, and we miss seeing you with your brother.

God had a plan for your life, and it’s something we never knew, but prayed for His will to be done in your life. Your life brought so much happiness! Your life brought so much meaning. You made us parents!

Chandler Mountain Challenge

Bringing people together
to climb for good causes

Story by Loyd McIntosh
Photos by Mackenzie Free

It’s early in the morning of Saturday, March 2, and a diverse group of people are straggling into the grounds of Horse Pens 40. The air is crisp and cool, evidence that while spring is just around the corner, it hasn’t quite arrived.

Despite the temperature hovering in in the mid-40s, many of those assembled are walking around the grounds in T-shirts and shorts, specialty athletic shoes, and large, polyurethane mats strapped to their backs.

This group of outdoors enthusiasts is on site to compete in the 2022 Chandler Mountain Challenge. An annual bouldering competition at Horse Pens 40, the Chandler Mountain Challenge has become one of the most anticipated events among the rock-climbing community. The event is organized by Climbers For Christ, a Christian organization launched in 1989 in Yosemite Valley with a mission to equip, encourage and empower climbers to share the love of Christ with the climbing community.

“The mission that we have in Climbers For Christ is really just to show Jesus to the climbing and outdoor community through service and through conversation,” says Joshua Reyes, a member of the volunteer leadership team covering the southeastern United States.

Originally from New Mexico, Reyes now lives in Jacksonville, Ala., and is a technical advisor for AECOM/URS Corporation and a former nuclear submarine mechanic with the U.S. Navy. He explains that Climbers For Christ most often plays a support role at other climbing and outdoor events, giving the volunteer opportunities to share the Gospel.

“We have teams that go out and serve breakfast, cooking pancakes and stuff like that. With a bunch of hungry climbers, you go through a lot of food pretty quick, and they’re really appreciative of that,” says Reyes. “We like to connect by just serving like that and helping people out wherever they need bodies and people to do the heavy lifting, but we also like to establish those relationships and meet people and talk with them because we’re all about showing them who Jesus is – the truth of who He is.” 

The Chandler Mountain Challenge brings climbers of all skill levels to St. Clair County each March, but the event also helps raise funds for a nonprofit or ministry doing important social work throughout the nation.

This year, the Chandler Mountain Challenge supported Orphan Voice, a ministry based in Lexington, Ky., with a mission to serve orphans, children with special needs, abused children and poor single mothers. Founded by Tony and Cindy Brewer, the organization has facilitated the adoption of more than 1,000 Asian orphans to parents in the U.S. and established several anti-trafficking ministries working to rescue children, mostly from Vietnam, who were forced into sexual or labor slavery.

Supporting causes like Orphan Voice’s mission through registration fees is just another feature that makes the Chandler Mountain Challenge an event so many in the bouldering world look forward to, whether they are people of faith or not.

Chris Wendell is an automobile customizer and active boulderer from Philadelphia. With his long hair, bushy beard and laissez-faire attitude, Wendell was straight and to the point when asked if Christian faith was an important factor in taking part in the Chandler Mountain Challenge. “Not really, no, but I can get behind a lot of the causes they support.”

Climbers For Christ works to encounter and minister to fellow climbers, whatever their spiritual opinions or experiences may be. “A friend of mine mentioned to me that the climbers she speaks with out west are more likely to be unchurched and kind of curious about what we’re doing, whereas folks back east, a lot of them have had really negative experiences with the church,” says Kristen McKenzie, a volunteer board member with Climbers For Christ. “We’re hoping to show them, maybe a different kind of Christianity than they grew up with, and just maybe if they see some Christians walking around not being hypocrites, they might reconsider Jesus.”

Wendell is exactly the type of person Climbers For Christ is focused upon reaching, fellow climbers who aren’t active in any religion but who have open minds and, perhaps more importantly, open hearts. “The best thing about (The Chandler Mountain Challenge) is we get everybody to climb just doing what we love and that turns into money that’s donated by someone else, and we take that money, and we donate it to a nonprofit to be picked for the year.

It’s just a great, easy cause for people to rally around,” says Reyes. “I was going to climb here anyway, but 20 bucks gets me a shirt and dinner and then I’m raising money for some kids somewhere? Count me in.”

Why Horse Pens 40?

It may come as a surprise to many people from St. Clair County but the boulders at Horse Pens 40 are well respected among the climbing community. The site is part of what is known as the bouldering “triple crown,” – a bouldering series that also includes Hounds Ears in Boone, N.C., and Stone Fort in Chattanooga, Tenn. – and is also compared favorably to a bouldering site 40 miles south of Paris, France, known as Fontainebleau.

At first glance, it’s difficult to see why. For starters, the boulders at Horse Pens 40 aren’t majestically high. In fact, most of them struggle to reach 30 feet. However, bouldering is a sport that, unlike rock and mountain climbing, utilizes no equipment. Instead boulderers rely only on special climbing shoes and chalk to help the climber grip the rock face and climb to the top. One of the most concentrated areas of boulders in the world, Horse Pens 40 is ideally situated to be one of the best bouldering sites on earth.

“It’s really unique in the formations. It has a lot of these rounded formations and when you get to the top of the ball that’s called doing the “top out” and those big, rounded hulls are called slopers, and you have really nothing good to grab onto to hoist yourself over the edge. It’s like your agave to squeeze,” Reyes says. “I tell people it’s like grabbing the size of a refrigerator and squeezing and holding yourself up.”

Additionally, Reyes says the Southern sandstone that make up the boulders at Horse Pens is world-renowned for its friction, especially in the winter time. “That’s the most popular season, because it’s like Velcro,” he says. “You slap these big, rounded hulls that you can’t normally grab, and your hand just magically sticks. It’s amazing.

“People come here from all over the country and actually internationally,” Reyes adds. “Over the years, I’ve met people from Sweden, Spain, Italy, France and, of course, Canada and Mexico. I mean people from everywhere come here just to climb at Horse Pens 40. So as a transplant local that helps me never take it for granted, I can come here anytime that I want. When I see people that have flown here from Europe. I’m like, ‘OK, I have to remember this place is really special.’”

Every sport has its own language, a vernacular that to the outsider makes not a lick of sense at first glance, but as you study the lingo, you start to get a glimpse of what the sport is all about.

To the sport’s passionate, true believers, that vernacular is more than just a way of communication, it becomes an art form of its own. Bouldering is no different. For the Chandler Mountain Challenge, organizers taped cards on the boulders throughout Horse Pens 40 with advice on solving specific challenges.

Out of context, you could easily see the text on these cards printed in a college literary journal. For instance: “Stand alert. Move to crimp, then jump to right-facing block. Be careful as block creaks a bit … continue up to easy mantle.” Or this one: “Sit start, then move to good chickenheads. Move to good right sidepull, then jugs.”

The jargon on these cards assists the competitors in solving what the bouldering community refers to as “problems.” Before charging ahead and scaling the side of a huge rock, a climber has to consider his/her options; how to attack the problem to ensure success.

It’s no wonder, trial and error is a large part of the process. “You’re trying these problems that are really hard, so you’re often going to fall off,” says McKenzie. “Bouldering involves a lot of failure.”

And, this particular challenge involves a lot of successes. Whether it’s for the world-class challenge, the scenic beauty or the opportunity to support a worthy cause, it brings people of all walks of life to St. Clair County for a day of bouldering and fellowship that helps bridge gaps.

“The climbing community is pretty close-knit and tied together, but quite diverse – race, gender and religious beliefs, political beliefs – it’s just across the spectrum,” says Reyes. “But it’s so neat because even with that diversity of thought and lifestyle, we all have that common thread of climbing. When we show up here, all that goes out the window.”

Nature Preserve

Long-awaited groundbreaking celebrates 422-acre nature preserve in Springville

Story by Carol Pappas
Photos by Mackenzie Free
Discover Archive
and submitted Photos

When public officials hoist shovels full of dirt into the air, it traditionally celebrates the coming of a new business or industry. But when officials struck that familiar pose for the cameras in March, it signaled the coming of a new era for St. Clair County.

On a ridge surrounded by dense forest above Big Canoe Creek in Springville, a crowd gathered in a clearing to celebrate the groundbreaking for Big Canoe Creek Nature Preserve – 422 acres of nature –preserved, protected and treasured.

Now designated as a Forever Wild site in Alabama, this preserve protects the pristine creek that runs through it, allowing its rare species to thrive. It preserves its flora and fauna. And it is being designed so that all can enjoy now and for generations to come.

“In 1999, the St. Clair Economic Development Council was formed to recruit projects that would create jobs and improve the quality of life” in St. Clair County, said EDC Executive Director Don Smith. “This doesn’t normally fit with what we usually do,” but it does not stray from its mission to improve the quality of life. “People will be able to hike and enjoy nature with their friends, family and children.”  

Early day

Go back a bit – 2009, to be precise – and the idea of Forever Wild came to the attention of Doug Morrison, who was president of Friends of Big Canoe Creek at the time, and Vicki Wheeler, who holds that title now. “It took nine years to make it happen, but it happened,” Morrison said.

“Friends of Big Canoe Creek brought to the attention of our community the importance of protecting Big Canoe Creek – its channel, its banks and its forested flood plain – that led to the creation of Big Canoe Nature Preserve,” Wheeler said. “For it to be designated as a ‘preserve’ was rewarding for us because it spoke to the importance of the ongoing protection of the natural aesthetic and ecological properties of the land and the creek and, by extension, the entire watershed.”

She noted that “As a member of the Alabama Rivers Alliance, Friends of Big Canoe Creek wanted to ensure that the preserve would be an example for other watershed protection groups in the state to follow, a model for ecological preservation and restoration and environmental stewardship. It also would serve as an educational resource for the community, to teach that ‘Through Nature Comes Understanding.’”

Team work

They had help along the way. Wendy Jackson, then executive director of Alabama Freshwater Land Trust pitched the idea to then Springville Mayor Butch Isley, who embraced it. Springville Mayor Dave Thomas got behind the project and enhanced it through the push for creating Big Canoe Creek Preserve Partners, a nonprofit that will help with sustainable funding. Morrison chairs that nonprofit.

St. Clair EDC Executive Director Don Smith addresses crowd.

“We will have funding for outdoor education, new trails and endless opportunities,” Morrison said. He noted that Alabama ranks fourth nationally in biodiversity, but No. 1 in species like fish, salamanders, snails, mussels, crayfish and turtles, all of which are found in Big Canoe Creek. “There are so many discoveries to be made. It’s here in our own backyard. We are going to bring people to nature.”

Former Alabama Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources Barnett Lawley was a driving force behind the Forever Wild push along with Jackson. While their positions were lofty on the state level – Lawley as a cabinet member for former Gov. Bob Riley, and Jackson, as a leader in acquiring lands that enhance water quality and preserve open spaces, this project was personal to them, too. Their roots are firmly planted in St. Clair County soil as native born – Lawley in Pell City and Jackson in Ashville.

Dean Goforth, a Springville businessman who owns nearby Homestead Hollow, and Candice Hill, an executive with St. Clair EDC, entered the picture to push the project along, and “things got off the ground,” Morrison said.

In 2018, it became a site in the Forever Wild program, which funds the acquisition of land to preserve what the name implies. St. Clair County and City of Springville have joined forces behind the project along with EDC, and investment to date is $1.5 million.

Patti McCurdy, director of Alabama State Lands Division of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, called the unprecedented show of support locally an example she holds up to other communities across the state working toward similar goals. “You deserve a true pat on the back,” she said.

About the preserve

A visit to the preserve area is like discovering a long-hidden treasure. Preserve officials call the Big Canoe Creek watershed “a jewel in the crown of Alabama’s biodiversity.” And rightly so.

According to the preserve’s own description, “About 80% of the main stem remains free-flowing through its 50-plus-mile length, as do all four of its major tributaries. Both the main stem and tributaries throughout the watershed retain much of their forest cover, helping maintain critical natural water temperatures. And to a significant degree, the watershed’s high quality is attributable to its drainage area remaining essentially rural and agricultural in character and land use.”

The creek is home to more than 50 species of fish, including the rare Trispot Darter, which was discovered in 2008 in Little Canoe Creek. The Trispot Darter is a species that used to be found in Alabama but had not been seen in nearly 50 years. It is now listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act.

Mussels, nature’s own water filter, are in “great supply” in Big Canoe Creek, which has retained most of its species, and has kept the creek pristine. Officials note that they are most endangered because of the need for extremely high water quality.

“Mussels are one of the most imperiled animal groups in North America, and their presence in the Big Canoe Creek watershed is a testament to its ecological integrity,” according to the preserve. “Big Canoe Creek has eight federally listed freshwater mussel species, and an 18-mile stretch of its main stem was designated in 2004 as a ‘critical habitat’ under the Endangered Species Act.”

Rainbow shiner

A brand-new species, The Canoe Creek Clubshell (Pleurobema athearni), is only found in Big Canoe Creek and has been discovered in one of its tributaries.

The preserve’s 422 acres includes hilly, forested terrain as well as the creek, and its northern border is about a mile long with the northwestern corner spanning both sides of the creek.

Creekside scenery is abundant and higher points of the preserve provide views of the Big Canoe Creek watershed, including picturesque Canoe Creek Valley and the ridges of Pine and Blount mountains.

Realizing the vision

The groundbreaking ceremony celebrated the beginning of the foundational aspects of the preserve property. It includes improvements to the entrance road and the initiation of its first hiking trail designed by Flow Motion Trail Builders through a contract with the City of Springville. Once completed, the goal is to have a series of trails that will eventually cross the preserve. 

Other activities anticipated to eventually become part of the preserve’s offerings include horseback riding, kayaking and hiking.

“The Big Canoe Creek Nature Preserve is a project that we are all behind here in Springville,” said Mayor Thomas. “Giving the public a place to experience the beauty of this area, increase their knowledge about nature, exercise and spend time in the quietness of the outdoors is something this entire administration has a desire to do.”

He noted that previous administrations began this project, “and we plan to see it through. We look forward to welcoming those in the surrounding communities as they visit Springville to enjoy this beautiful area at the heart of our community.”

Perseverance pays off

Lawley, by virtue of his cabinet post, was chairman of Forever Wild. “This is what Forever Wild is for,” he said. These properties are “an asset for the community and provide free opportunities for citizens to utilize property that is theirs. It’s taxpayer property.”

This project took longer than most because of the land acquisition delays in dealing with landowners. “But everybody stayed committed to it. It was a great team,” he said. “You can’t give enough credit to Doug Morrison. He hung in there, was tenacious and kept people motivated.”

He noted that the program around the state has great potential, pointing to other Forever Wild properties that communities can take advantage of and have a real impact on their economy. “They see major increases in their tax base,” Lawley said.

Springville, he added, will reap sizable benefits because it gives the city the opportunity to “create its own economic impact.” Similar properties without as many amenities as Big Canoe Creek draw hundreds of thousands of people each year. “This is going to be a destination point.”

Jackson sees the potential as well. Through her work at Freshwater Land Trust, she was heavily involved in the early stages. “I have had the honor of being involved with land conservation here in Alabama and across the country. This project in my home county, is an excellent example of how to do successful conservation. Over the years, the project traversed multiple political administrations who all stayed the course. The leadership shown by the City of Springville and the St. Clair County Commission is amazing as are the public-private partnerships” with the Big Canoe Creek Preserve Partners, Freshwater Land Trust and Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham.

“It is a testament to what I have always known and that is the beauty of the people who call this amazing place home and how special our natural areas are,” she said. “This is why, no matter how far I travel, my home will always be here with some of the finest people in the world. I really can’t emphasize how rare it is to find a lack of egos and such a collaborative nature in these projects.

“Every single person and agency made tremendous contributions, yet all of them stood at the podium giving credit to others.”

She had a name for them all – “land conservation rock stars” – but singled out one in particular. “Doug Morrison poured his heart, soul, sweat and tears in this effort. Every project needs a local person with the determination to see it through, and he is that person on this project.”

Hill sees the value in the work, too. “It is exciting to be able to offer opportunities for recreation on public properties in St. Clair County. The land itself is beautiful, and it will be preserved as greenspace in the middle of one of our fastest growing communities.”

Looking to the future, she said, “We believe that this project sets a tone for other projects yet to come. We would love to see more greenspace preserved and allow more public recreation throughout the county. All of the parties involved work together so seamlessly, and it really makes you proud to be a part. So much can be done with this type of concerted effort, and we applaud our current leadership for their role in this endeavor.”

Crossing the finish line

It took a yeoman effort from a number of corners to get the project where it needed to be to become Forever Wild. Goforth, who now serves on the Preserve Partners board, was instrumental in that process.

When he was asked by the former Springville administration to help the project along, “I didn’t fully realize the impact it would have on this city, county and the entire area.”

The pieces were there, but it needed a point person who knew their way around state agencies to put it all together. Goforth had those contacts and knew the inner workings, and he helped move it closer to fruition.

“I reached out to Candice Hill (at EDC) and others at the state level. We involved others at the county, state and city level to get it over the finish line,” he said. “I really believe it is going to become a premier destination spot in our state,” he said. “It’s going to be great for everyone. It’s not just about the economics, it’s education and preservation.”

A byproduct in opening the space is “providing a way for people to get together with family and friends and enjoy the outdoors,” he added. “It’s going to be wonderful for the local community, the county, the state and for people who travel in and out of this area.”

Smith agreed. He told the groundbreaking audience, “It’s in our nature,” coincidentally giving a nod to the county’s tourism slogan. “This kind of property would normally be in private hands with few to enjoy it. This preserve gives the public “opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and create those memories. They don’t have to drive out of state. I think they’ll like our good nature.”

Berritt Haynes

Pell City native building on performance, experience on The Voice

Story by Scottie Vickery
Photos by Graham Hadley
Submitted Photos

Berritt Haynes is no stranger to life-changing news, so when a talent recruiter from television’s The Voice told him to pack his bags and head for Los Angeles last May, it was sort of a “same song, different verse” situation. This time, however, the verse was a whole lot sweeter.

Competing on The Voice

The Pell City native and his family were first stopped in their tracks by unexpected news when Berritt was diagnosed with a life-threatening heart disease at age 8. Eleven years later, the call welcoming the 19-year-old aspiring singer-songwriter to Season 21 of the NBC reality singing competition was much more fun.

“We were all whooping and hollering,” Berritt’s mother, Monica Haynes, said. “It was so loud, Berritt had to go outside to talk to her.”

Although he was eliminated in the Knockout Round of the competition that aired last fall, Berritt said he has no regrets. He earned high praises from the celebrity judges, including country singer Blake Shelton, who was Berritt’s team coach, and he said he grew as a singer, a performer and a person.

“This whole experience has been so amazing!!” Berritt said in a social media post after his elimination. “This is only the beginning, y’all!”

Since then, Berritt has been playing as many gigs as he can, writing music, honing his craft and continuing to dream big. “I’ve gotten a lot more confident, and my voice is stronger than before I went,” he said. “I’m just playing as much as I can and hopefully, something will come of it.”

Heartbreaking news

Berritt, who turns 20 on April 12, was at his 8-year-old checkup when his pediatrician, Dr. Keith Stansell, heard a heart murmur he hadn’t heard before. “A lot of doctors would have said to watch it for a while, but he’d seen Berritt all his life and knew it hadn’t been there before,” Monica said. “We sing his praises all the time.”

Berritt was referred to a cardiologist, who diagnosed him with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s a disease in which the heart muscle becomes abnormally thick, making it harder for the heart to pump blood. It’s often known as “sudden death disease” because it can cause life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms, and it’s the most common cause of heart-related sudden death in young people.

“They kept asking who in our family had died in their early 30s, but there was no one,” said Monica, adding that the disease is usually inherited. Genetic testing revealed that she has it as well, although her case is not as severe as her son’s. Berritt’s youngest sister, 13-year-old Kynlee, carries the gene but so far has not developed the disease. His father, Jeremy, and his sisters, EllaGrace, 14, and 17-year-old Ryleigh, have no heart issues.

“It was devastating,” Monica said. “I had a lot of mama guilt for a long time just knowing I gave that to my kid.”

Berritt’s lifestyle changed immediately after the diagnosis. He loved sports, but he had to quit playing baseball and football. At 14, after passing out on a hunting trip with his grandfather, Berritt had surgery to have an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) placed in his chest. The battery-operated device detects abnormal heart rhythms and will provide an electric shock if necessary to make his heart beat normally.

Three years later, in 2019, 17-year-old Berritt underwent open heart surgery at the end of his junior year of high school. “My family and the Lord are what got me through it,” Berritt said when he shared his testimony a few months later.

Although Berritt had to give up a lot of things he loved, he discovered some new joys, as well. Right after the diagnosis, his parents started him in competitive BB gun shooting events so he could still compete in an outdoor activity. He won a number of awards in competitions all over the South, including a gold medal in the Alabama State Games. In 2013, he was named the ASF Foundation’s Male Athlete of the Year. “My dream is to one day compete in the Olympics,” Berritt said at the time.

Berritt credits family and faith in getting through open heart surgery.

It was music, though, that truly captured his heart. Both of his parents sing in the church choir, and even as a toddler, “Berritt would sit in our laps during practice,” Monica said. “He would sit there and sing his little heart out.”

That’s why they also enrolled him in guitar lessons after he had to give up sports. “We told him, ‘You can still be playing this when you’re 70, but you wouldn’t be playing baseball at 70,’” Monica said. In addition, Berritt started singing and playing with the praise band at his family’s church, Seddon Baptist Church, and he played the alto sax and tenor sax with the Pell City High School Jazz Band.

“I just love music,” said Berritt, who was singing with the praise band again two weeks after his surgery. “I really love singing worship songs.”

In full voice

Following his surgery, Make-a-Wish, a nonprofit that fulfills wishes of kids with critical illnesses, arranged for Berritt to be in the audience during a taping of The Voice and to meet the judges. COVID-19 derailed the plans, though, and Make-a-Wish refurbished Berritt’s pickup truck instead.

Berritt’s mom knew about her son’s dreams, though, so she took matters into her own hands and submitted a video of Berritt singing Eric Clapton’s Tears in Heaven to The Voice. He had auditioned twice before – once in middle school, once in high school – but the third time was the charm.

The initial call from the talent recruiter came during a family movie night. Monica saw a California number on her screen, thought it was spam, and let it go to voicemail. “Y’all are going to want to pause the movie for this,” she told her family after listening to the message.

When word finally came months later that Berritt had officially made the cut, he packed two suitcases, his guitar and a backpack and headed for Los Angeles. The shows were pre-recorded with audiences of about 150 screaming fans. “Sometimes you can’t hear what you’re doing,” he said.

The first time he took the stage during the “Blind Auditions” and sang Brett Young’s Mercy, Berritt tried not to think about the more than 7 million viewers who would eventually be watching the show’s premiere. “At that point, I was just singing for my coaches,” he said of celebrity judges Kelly Clarkson, John Legend, Ariana Grande and Shelton. “When Blake turned around (to signify he wanted the singer on his team) all those nerves I had went away.”

Although Berritt, who graduated from Pell City in 2020, didn’t get a lot of air time during the show, the judges were quick to praise his talents. “I think you’re just a damn good singer,” Shelton told him following his first performance. In other shows, Clarkson said “his tone was cool” and told Berritt, “I was just captivated by you.”

During the two and a half months he was in Los Angeles, Berritt got to work with a vocal coach for the first time and enjoyed hanging out, singing and playing games with his fellow contestants. He also added a few new pieces to his wardrobe.

“There was nothing they gave me that didn’t fit me tight,” he said with a laugh. Although he got to keep a leather jacket, shirts and a few pair of jeans, he said the best thing he got from the experience was the feedback and encouragement from the coaches.

“Blake always had nothing but good things to say about what I was doing, what I was singing,” Berritt said. “They really build up your confidence. They want you to do good; they want you to be successful.”

Since he’s been home, Berritt has worked some as a substitute teacher to earn some extra money while continuing to do what he loves most – make music. He released a new single, Sidewalks of Birmingham, on all streaming platforms in January, served as grand marshal of the Pell City Christmas Parade and is performing as often as he can. In addition to playing Lakeside Live and other venues, he recently opened for Girl Named Tom, the Season 21 winner, at Iron City in Birmingham.

“The whole experience was amazing,” Berritt said. “With all the stuff I’ve been through, I just didn’t think I’d ever make it that far or amount to anything. It’s been a dream come true.” l

Editor’s Note: Want to keep up with Berritt’s career? Follow him on Instagram @berritt.haynes or on Facebook at Berritt Haynes Music.

All American Ford

Opening doors for the region

Story by Carol Pappas
Photos by Graham Hadley

Nearly a year to the day after officials gathered in an empty field near Interstate 59 in Odenville to break ground on a major car dealership, All American Ford moved in and started selling cars and trucks.

The ceremony was seen as breaking ground on a new era for the region with All American Ford driving the economic impact. It didn’t take long to see that officials were right. In just the first 48 hours, they sold six brand-new vehicles.

That was quite a start. “It speaks well of things to come,” said co-owner John Makovicka. He and his wife, Katy, along with their partners, Frank and Jane Neal of Ft. Worth, Texas, saw the potential when settling on a site for the new dealership. They owned All American Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Oneonta, so they were already familiar with the area.

They collaborated with Ford on the decision of where to locate and after pulling the economic data sets, “the buzzer went off,” Makovicka recalled. “It was a great opportunity. This is a great place.”

Sales staff Tyler Copeland, Dee Holmes, Johnny Clardy and Mike Swindle outside the new building

And in late February, they opened the doors to the first full Ford signature-branded dealership in Alabama and Georgia. “Probably the Southeast,” Makovicka said.

Located on aptly named Mustang Avenue, the dealership is wall-to-wall state of the art. The 20,000-square-foot facility features free Type 1 and 2 electric charging stations and fast charging at a cost. With an eye toward the future, they are soon to be subsidized by solar power. All American has two stations now, and they are working on four more, Makovicka said. 

It doesn’t take long to recognize the cutting-edge technology found throughout. Drive into the service area, and your vehicle is automatically laser screened to detect possible problems before you even reach a service representative.

In addition to servicing cars, trucks and SUVs, the service department is equipped to handle commercial vehicles. And customers can make themselves comfortable while they wait in the customer lounge, complete with snacks, a five-foot, fresh-roasted coffee machine and free Wi-Fi.

The showroom is an open concept with reception desk, sales areas and financing. Walls are filled with inspiring quotations from Ford founder, Henry Ford.

Makovicka, originally from Texas, sees the dealership as a means of bringing their Texas-sized hospitality and focus on community to Alabama. All American’s partners are dedicated to giving back to community, he said.

The dealership features a “community room” open to the public where after-hours events, training and meetings can be held. It can easily seat 30 people with plenty of space for two conference tables and chairs.

Back home in Fort Worth, the Neals have an engineering firm, but their hobby is cutting horses used to train children with disabilities. They also own a 50-year legacy ranch where they have  served Austin, Texas with after-school programs that include horseback riding, archery, gymnastics, sports, and more.

All American’s partnership is built on community and giving back, he said. Even the official grand opening was a multi-day event with plenty of activities, food and fun to roll out the welcome mat to its new home.

Odenville Mayor Buck Christian knows their impact on community already. “When the City of Odenville annexed the property near I-59, we knew it would be good for our economic future. We certainly embrace residential growth, but we survive on commercial developments,” he said.

“The revenue it generates provides professional services to the citizens of Odenville and St. Clair County,” and their presence as well as their community involvement spells nothing but a brighter future for the entire area.

“The I-59 corridor remains an excellent opportunity for financial and commercial growth in St. Clair County,” the mayor said. “We’re excited to see All American Ford so well embraced by the community, and we’re confident in their success. We believe it will be a catalyst for even more growth opportunities in that area.”

The reception area and sales offices

As one of the six fastest-growing counties in the state, the addition of the first major vehicle dealership within the county on the I-59 corridor means good things lie ahead for St. Clair, said Commission Chairman Paul Manning.

“We see it as a catalyst for growth for the entire area,” Manning said. “St. Clair County certainly welcomes All American Ford. We know that it is a prime location for business, and we thank them for recognizing that and investing in our county.”

St. Clair Economic Development Council Executive Director Don Smith agreed. “John Makovicka and the entire Neal family have been a pleasure to work with on this exciting, new project. The company, City of Odenville, and the County Commission all worked very well together. We all believe it’s a perfect site in a fast-growing area. The new facility will benefit both the community and the business. Soon that exit will be known as the All American Ford exit.”

With 40 jobs created, a sizable economic investment and room to grow, the horizon looks even better for the I-59 corridor region, officials predict.

“All American Ford is a great addition to our community,” said Realtor and developer Lyman Lovejoy, who sold the property. He has surrounding parcels that are expected to be developed as well. “Through this development, you’re going to see more and more all around Highway 174 and I-59. This is a game changer for this part of our county.”

Owners John and Katy Makovicka at groundbreaking a year ago

New dealership supercharging
other local businesses

When All American Ford announced St. Clair County as its new home, the benefits were obvious. A major commercial business locating at the Highway 174 interchange of Interstate 59 is the first major development at that exit.

It was easy to see the potential when the doors opened. But long before that, the economic impact was already being felt. When officials broke ground on the dealership,

Local businesses reaped the benefits of the announcement early on.  Lovejoy Realty of Odenville sold the property to All American. Phifer Landscape Services of Pell City did the grounds work. Massey Paving of Argo handled the asphalt work. Goodgame Company of Pell City built the facility.

Subcontractors saw benefits as well. And City of Odenville will be on the receiving end of taxes generated through the dealership and the business growth it is likely to spur in the future.

Couple the early rewards with the 40 jobs All American created when at full capacity, and officials cannot disguise their excitement over the prospects. In February 2021, Odenville Mayor Buck Christian predicted, “It is the catalyst that will make this interstate interchange. You won’t recognize it in five years.”

With the state-of-the-art dealership now open for business, already booming in the early days, it is easy to imagine that the mayor’s prediction is well on its way to coming true.