A long journey

Dry cleaner escaped Holocaust, traveled storied route to Ashville

Story by Joe Whitten
Submitted photos

For Bernie Echt, the journey from Gross Kuhren, Germany, to Ashville, Alabama, included stops in Africa, China, the Dominican Republic and sojourns in various cities in the United States.

Bernie’s parents, Solomon and Erna Czanitsky Echt, already had daughters Ruth and Eva when Bernie was born on Nov. 4, 1937. Sister Sarah would arrive Nov. 4, 1938.

His parents and grandparents owned a farm in Gross Kuhren and dealt in horses and cattle. Although Jewish, they conducted business with both locals and the German military before the war.

Relations seemed good with people in the area, for as Bernie recalled, “My parents and grandparents had lots of connections; that’s why we are still here. Otherwise we would be …,” he let those words hang, then added, “They helped us to get the hell out of there.”

Bernie wasn’t yet a year old when they fled the Nazis, so he recounts what he was told by relatives. In spite of the apparent good relationship, “At the end of 1937 or the beginning of 1938, one evening, they knocked on the door, and calling Solomon by his nickname, they said, ‘Sally, you need to go with us down to headquarters.’”

Solomon and Erna both asked for a reason, but the only answer they got was, “We can’t tell the reason; you just need to go with us. You don’t have to take nothing along.”

Erna asked where they were going, and they replied, “To town.”

“It was the Gestapo,” Bernie continued. “They took him to the concentration camp, Sachsenhausen, and put him to work in the stone quarry. He was in there until the end of ’38, or thereabout.”

Bernie is unsure of how this happened, but his mother and grandparents paid off certain Nazi officers to get Solomon out of Sachsenhausen. He believes they gave money and cattle, and that one of the officers was a close friend who used to visit on Sunday afternoons.

The officers warned that Solomon must disappear immediately, so within 24 hours of release, he was on a freighter to Shanghai, China. He lived in Shanghai a year before Erna and the children could journey there.

And what a journey Erna and the children had getting to Solomon in China. The grandparents hoped to emigrate to Palestine, but borders closed before they could leave. They never got out.

Along with other Jews, Erna and the children secured passage to China on an Italian freighter. Difficulties arose at the Suez Canal when authorities refused the freighter permission to proceed.

Low on fuel and food, the ship diverted to an African island where it languished for six months. A Jewish organization managed to get money to the captain so he could continue to China.

Finally, in 1939, Erna and children joined Solomon, where he worked on a missionary farm in Shanghai.

Because of the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), the Japanese occupied Shanghai. For the moment, things seemed peaceful. “The Japanese soldiers would come to the house,” Bernie remembered, “and my mother would cook them something. They had a good time.”

Concentration camp

All that ended Dec.7, 1941 – Pearl Harbor. “The Japanese came for us,” Bernie remembers, “put us up on a truck and took us to a camp. They took our passports. Everything. We had just the clothes we wore.”

There were 2,000 in this Japanese concentration camp with 16 people to a room. They devised privacy curtains with the bed blankets during the day, then took them down for cover at night.

The rabbis in the camp made sure Jewish boys received religious instructions. Going and coming from the place of instruction had its dangers, as Bernie recalls one night: “I remember rabbi took us one evening to the main building there, and the Japanese were shooting the guns with light-balls to light up the streets inside the camp, so they could see if anybody was walking around. And the rabbi said to us, ‘Just stand against the wall and don’t move.’ That’s what we did, and that’s how we always got through.”

The rabbis made sure that the kids who went to temple had kosher food for Passover, a sacred necessity for Orthodox Jews, such as the Echts.

World War II ended, and liberation finally followed. Bernie recalled, “McArthur came, and the streets were full of military. The Japanese commander who mistreated so many – he didn’t do it personally, but he had command over it – the teenage boys in the camp went to the Japanese headquarters, got the commander out, brought him to the camp and got sticks and hit him.”

Bernie didn’t participate in that. “That wasn’t my idea. I couldn’t join in beating him. He was only a man. I look at things a little bit different. I shouldn’t, maybe, but I do. A human being is a human being.”

The American nurses took the internees into the country, gave them food, and American military doctors gave physical exams.

The Americans taught them songs, Bernie recalled. “The first song we learned was ‘God Bless America,’ and then we learned the military songs – the Navy song and ‘This is the Army, Mr. Brown.’” He laughed and added, “We changed that one a little bit.”

Wanting to leave China, Bernie’s family went to the consulate and asked about being able to come to the United States. A Jewish organization (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) took over and organized the Echts’ and others’ exodus. They left for San Francisco on the Marine Lynx, an American transport ship. “We sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge, and it was wonderful,” Bernie said. “I was 9 or 10 years old.”

In San Francisco, the family stayed quarantined in a hotel for six weeks. Bernie recalls that the Jewish organization fed them and took them to a clothing store and bought them garments and shoes. He got his first pair of long pants and pair of shoes.

Dominican Republic

When the quarantine ended, the Jewish Distribution Committee came to tell the Echts the three countries available for relocation: Australia, Canada and the Dominican Republic. The family chose the Dominican Republic.

As early as 1938, General Truijillo of the Dominican Republic offered to the Jewish organization refuge to as many as 100,000 Jews fleeing Germany. On the north coast, now Sosua, General Trujillo set aside a large section of wooded land, and the Dominican Republic Settlement Association (DORSA), a Jewish group, cleared land and erected barracks. “It was similar to a Kibbutz,” Bernie said. “They all ate together, and the women did everybody’s laundry. There wasn’t that much that each one had separate.”

DORSA built houses on plots of land, families with kids got the first houses built, then couples without children. To get them started, for the father of the family, DORSA gave 10 cows; for the mother, six; and for each child, one. A family paid so much a month to DORSA until they had paid for the farm, house and livestock.

The Echts lived on one of the DORSA farms until Bernie’s mother died in 1949. After her death, Solomon left the farm and moved the family to the city. When Bernie turned 13, his father and sisters arranged his bar mitzvah. “I learned all the rituals,” he said. “I already knew a big part of it. I was very orthodox when I started out. Very orthodox until my mother died, then I slowly let it go.”

Home-life deteriorated for Bernie after his mother died, and a few months after his 13th birthday, he set out on his own. He had only the clothing he wore and no money.

He went to the Jewish organization in Sosua, met with the administrator, and told him about leaving home and needing a job. The administrator told Bernie he had no job for him because he lacked education and job skills.

Unsuccessful there but undaunted, he made his way to the farmers’ cooperative and told them his predicament. “I need a job. I need something to do to make a living.”

They listened to him, then, offered him the only available job, cleaning the animal intestines in the slaughterhouse, which paid $25 a month.

Bernie took the job. He lived in a barrack room for $3 a month, which included electricity and water. He commented, “I earned $25, paid $3 for lodging, and had $22 left. I didn’t need nothing.”

Work ethic rescues him

Although he started with a nasty job in the slaughterhouse, Bernie worked hard, and that served him well. The manager of the meatpacking plant soon took him out of the slaughterhouse and taught him about choppers and carvers. Mr. Meyerstein, who had worked for Armour and Swift in Chicago, taught him how to make sausage.

A careful observer and fast learner, Bernie said, “When I saw anybody doing something I wanted to learn. I caught it with my eyes and remembered it. I had no other choice. There was no Social Security, no unemployment, no insurance. Nothing. I had to learn.”

Management liked Bernie’s work ethic and raised his salary to $45 a month. He saved $10 a month until he had about $30 put aside. Then he went to a farmer to buy a calf. When the farmer found he had the money, he asked where he would keep the calf, and Bernie bargained with the farmer to pasture the calf for $1 a month.

They both agreed that when the calf became a milk producer, the milk belonged to the farmer, but calves born to those cows belonged to Bernie.

Next stop: USA

In 1957, when Bernie came to the United States, he was earning $85 a month and had 12 head of cattle, which he sold to finance his trip to the States and for Washington’s required $300 security deposit in case his job fell through.

Some Marines were the first who tried to help Bernie get to the United States. They said if he were willing to join the military, they would help him join the Marines. Bernie was willing, but the Marines weren’t – he was 2 inches too short at 5 feet, 5 inches tall.

Regulation height was 5 feet, 7 inches tall.

However, when a Mr. Weinberg came over from New York City, Bernie had success. He asked Weinberg if there was a newspaper in New York where he could run an ad for work in the United States. Yes, there was, the Aufbau, published in New York City for the German Jewish Club. Weinberg placed the ad: “Young butcher looking for a job in the U.S.”

Bernie waited. Then a letter from a Mr. Krucker arrived at the consulate in the Dominican Republic. Mr. Krucker owned a Swiss restaurant in Pagona, N.Y., and needed a butcher there by May 27, no later.

Bernie leapt into action. A visit to the consulate produced a list of “must do” things in order to leave. He took the list and returned in two days with everything else on the list.

Then he needed a “quota number,” but the consulate said that would take two weeks, and that would be too late to make it to New York by May 27.

Bernie tells it best. “It was hard to get out of the Dominican Republic at that time. Because of Nazi persecution, I was stateless – no passport. All I had was an ID from the Dominican government, like a driver’s license, but not a driver’s license.”

Bernie had to be in New York by May 27, so he begged the consulate to call Washington and get a quota number. “I will pay for the call,” Bernie said.

The consulate said, ‘Are you serious? We don’t do that normally.’ But with a little more pleading from Bernie, he said, ‘All right. Go outside and sit and wait. I’ll let you know. I can’t promise you.’

Bernie waited an hour and a half before the consulate came out and said, ‘I can’t believe it. I got you a quota number. Everything’s ready. Go to the airport and get yourself a ticket and you’re ready to go.’

Then, another problem loomed. Bernie had no passport, but he knew who could help. A German Jew named Kicheimer could work miracles almost. Bernie told Kicheimer why he was in a rush and gave him his paperwork.

Kicheimer returned the next day with the necessary documents, and Bernie was ready to leave. At the airport, Ruth and Eva were crying, afraid of what the police would do if they found out how he’d gotten his documentation. Bernie told them, “I did nothing; the man did everything. I’ve got a legal piece of paper.” He laughs and adds, “I was so glad when that plane went up and I looked down.” He was on his way to a new life that one day would land him in Ashville.

Bernie woking at Krucker’s Restaurant

When Bernie arrived at the restaurant, Mr. Krucker gave him a place to stay in his hunting shack, telling him to unpack, come to the restaurant and eat, then rest for the next day when they both would go to New York City to buy fish, meat and vegetables for the restaurant.

Bernie spoke of Mr. Krucker’s kindness to him, saying, “He treated me like I was his son. He was very good to me. When I bought my first business, he co-signed the loan for me.” Bernie’s respect for Mr. Krucker was evident when Krucker asked him not to wear his David Star because it made some German patrons uncomfortable. Bernie removed it, saying, “Mr. Krucker, I am Jewish in my heart, I don’t have to show it.”

Saying, ‘I do’

The restaurant’s head waitress, Pia, was a German gentile in an unhappy war-bride marriage that would end in a divorce. She was 10 years older than Bernie, but age presented no problem to him, and a few years later she became his wife. She converted to Judaism, going through the counseling sessions with the rabbis.

This was important to Orthodox Jews for descent is traced through the mother and gives both male and female children irrevocable Jewish status. It was a happy marriage that held strong until Pia died of brain cancer in 1979. The couple had three children: Bernhard “Bernie” Jr., Daniel and Katharina.

Bernie and Pia in the 1950s

Mr. Krucker had urged Bernie to ask Pia out. He was reluctant to do that because of lack of money. Pia knew this and said, “This time, I will buy you a root beer float and a hamburger. If you did have money, I don’t want you to spend it. You are new here, and you need to save your money.”

They didn’t go out again until Bernie had saved up some money. Mr. Krucker knew this and came to Bernie and gave him an envelope and said, “That’s for you.”  It contained his $50 weekly pay, inside. “I was rich,” Bernie said.

Never afraid of hard work, Bernie worked in the restaurant through the summer and into the fall, and when the number of diners dropped, Bernie got a job in the meatpacking plant in Mazzolas, N.Y., earning $65 a week. When he got off work there, if an auction was being held, he would sell hamburgers at the auction house. “You know, a couple of bucks here and there, and I made money,” he said. On Saturday and Sunday, he worked at the restaurant.

Bernie and Pia were engaged now, and he wanted more income. One day he asked the man who picked up and delivered the restaurant’s laundry if there were money to be made in laundry work. He told him, “If you work hard you can make money. It’s on a percentage of what you collect.”

So, Bernie went to see the owner, Frank Senatores, who told him, “I don’t pay until you bring in work. You deliver it and collect, and I pay you a commission on that. You have to use your own car. I don’t supply no vans or anything.” Bernie accepted the job.

Making of an entrepreneur

He worked hard – and so did Pia. After working his dayshift at the meatpacking plant, he and Pia would run the laundry and dry cleaning routes until about 8 p.m. Pia would drive, and he ran to the houses delivering and picking up. “I’ve been doing that for 60 years,” Bernie said recently. “The same system. And it works. Believe me, it works.” They built up a good route and eventually bought the drop business.

In another village, he saw a laundry and dry cleaner that wasn’t doing well because of the lazy owner. Obtaining a bank loan, Bernie bought that company and gave up the restaurant job to concentrate on the laundry business.

Always the quick and thorough learner, Bernie learned the dry cleaning and laundry business hands-on. He bought a 1952 Chevrolet truck van, put hanging racks inside, and had a high school art student paint the truck white with a crown for Imperial Laundry and Drycleaners, with the address and phone number.

From the beginning, Bernie has never turned down a challenge, for he’s always assumed he could do it. Early on, a man came in with a wide lapel, double-breasted suit wanting Bernie to cut the lapels down to a narrower size. Although he had never done alterations before, Bernie said, “We can do that, but it will cost you.”

Pia thought he was crazy, but Bernie said, “Don’t get excited. We have a suit hanging here. I’ll lay it on top of the one to alter, mark all around the lapel but leave a half inch. Then we’ll cut the material off and turn the rest under and sew it.” They did, and the customer was so happy he gave them a generous tip. After that, Pia learned to do whatever alterations that were needed.

By the time Pia died of cancer, they were living in Florida, and Bernie had expanded into selling laundry and dry cleaning equipment.

Five years after Pia’s death, Bernie exhibited his machines at a convention in Atlanta. One evening after the exhibits closed for the night, Bernie went to eat a restaurant where there was dancing. There he met Doan, who was buying merchandise for her dress shop in Springville, Alabama.

The magic of dance

She and Bernie danced that evening, and that dance blossomed into a courtship that resulted in a wedding the next year, 1985. The love affair has lasted 35 years. Although Doan didn’t convert to Judaism, she attends temple with Bernie.

Doan and Bernie Echt in Ashville today

It was Doan’s St. Clair County roots that brought them to Ashville and the establishing of Imperial Laundry and Professional Drycleaners there in 1994. Their pickup and delivery routes extend into Jackson and Cherokee counties. Bernie’s original method of building a business by meeting and knowing his customers still holds him in good stead today.

Katharina Echt says of her father, “My brothers and I were raised with a strong foundation of what it means to work hard. We each have a keen understanding, by our father’s example, of what is possible with sheer will and determination. Ever present is his steadfast belief in our ability to achieve anything we set our minds to. And so we have.”

Bernie never lost hope or purpose in the face of hardship, adversity or tragedy. He has focused on the good of life rather than the bad and remains a cheerful man who is a delight to know.

Stop by and say hello. You’ll enjoy meeting him. 

Robert Griffin: T-Shirt guy

Story by Linda Long
Contributed photos

Meet Robert Griffin, Renaissance man and self-proclaimed “wonderful, kind and loving individual. That’s me,” he laughed.

Most know him as the T-shirt Guy, but he could easily add a few more titles to his moniker – artist, musician, songwriter, band leader, white water canoeist, environmentalist, hardware salesman, construction worker and let’s not forget screen printer, a talent he’s been at for more than 30 years.

As owner and art director of Wolf Creek Creations, Griffin prints 800 to 1,000 T-shirts a week or about 50,000 a year and creates four or five original designs a day at his operation. “The customers usually have an idea of what they want. I create the designs from their descriptions,” he explained.

The largest single order he has ever fulfilled was for 5,000 T-shirts for Caritas, a Catholic charity; and the smallest number was 12, a minimum order. The farthest distance he’s ever shipped was to an address in Hawaii.

“We’re based in Pell City,” said Griffin.  “Actually, exactly two miles down Wolf Creek, on the right, just outside the city limits, but we ship all over.”

Griffin began perfecting his artistic talents, while still in college at Jacksonville State University. “I studied art in college and worked in T-shirt shops when I needed a job. My first printing job was on paper for a graphic artist and that eventually led to T-shirts.”

Right out of college, Griffin’s artistic career seemed to be taking a left turn when he went into business with his father, who owned a construction company, but the younger Griffin’s creative flair wouldn’t take a back seat for long.

“I had already gotten involved with white water canoeing at this time. They had events all the time, but nobody was doing shirts for them. I convinced my dad that we needed to pick up that space – that there was money to be had. So, he agreed to open a very rudimentary area in the construction office. As things sometimes go,” added Griffin, “my dad ended up shutting the construction business and partnering with me in the T-shirt business.”

Group sales are the life blood of Wolf Creek Creations, from high school senior shirts to environmental alliance events to chili cook-offs. But events surrounding the 2020 pandemic have affected the sale of T-shirts as they have just about everything else.

“We literally had no business for three weeks. There’s no school, so there went the school business. Festivals usually held in the spring were canceled, like the Alabama Bluegrass Association concert. That’s an every-year event for us, and it was canceled. We’ve had about $10,000 worth of business either postponed or just outright canceled.”

Bob and Leah

Griffin, ever the optimist, says he thinks “things are beginning to turn around.  We’ve got a strong customer base and a strong repeat business. People know about us strictly by word of mouth. Some of these people, I’ve been doing business with for over 20 years. They’re no longer customers. They’re friends I do shirts for. That’s what I love about what I do, the friends I make and people I meet along the way.”

Another of his passions is music.  “That’s what I really enjoy,” he says. “I’ve had a band for about 20 years. My wife is also in the band. We do a lot of classic rock and some blues.”

Explaining that his wife, Leah, who auditioned for American Idol, is the real singer in the group, he said. “She has a beautiful voice. She lets me try it every once in a while. I am a marginally adequate singer.”

He is more than marginally adequate as a songwriter. You might say he’s prolific.  “I’ve written about 50 or 60 songs. We do a lot of original material.”

The band, named One Eyed Mary, plays a lot of festivals and local clubs.

The name originates from one of Griffin’s dogs, now deceased. “She was a rescued Lhasa Apso,” he said, “and she had only one eye.  So, of course, it seemed appropriate to call the band One Eyed Mary.”

Of all the hats Griffin has worn throughout his career, his very favorite has nothing to do with work. “My favorite hat is being a dad to my three kids and husband to my wife.”

LakeLife 24-7 accelerates brand online

It’s often said that timing is everything. A Pell City-based company’s owners believe that now more than ever.

Carol Pappas, president and CEO of Partners by Design Inc., announced that the company’s LakeLife Division has moved its growing apparel and lake-related products business online to a significant e-commerce platform under its national registered trademark, LakeLife 24/7®, at lakelife247.com.

That brand includes 14 Alabama lakes plus the LakeLife 24/7 line of products. “We’ve gone from a storage room in the back of our marketing firm to a small retail shop in the front for our home lake, Logan Martin, to a significant national presence online that’s growing,” Pappas said.

The timing could not have been more perfect, she noted. The launch happened within two weeks of closings, lockdowns and quarantines due to COVID-19, so it lessened the impact of having to close its retail shop in Pell City, which had generated a significant portion of its sales.

“We had been planning the move for months, recognizing that lake life isn’t restricted to a single body of water, it has universal appeal,” Pappas said. “Our original business plan moved in the direction of individual e-commerce sites for each lake in the state, but we soon realized it made more sense in a one-stop, online setting.”

Under the guidance of a friend whose professional background includes work in scalability, Lori Junkins, the site launched April 5, with sales coming in from nearly every Alabama lake plus multiple states at the onset.

“Lori’s leadership and wise counsel made all the difference,” Pappas said. “In the first month, our sales already have come in from seven states and 13 of our 14 lakes in Alabama. The appeal of our 24/7 line is growing, and we’re optimistic about our future prospects.

“Like we say in the ‘About’ section of our site, ‘Our Home’s in Alabama. Our Dreams are Global.’ Of course, we’re not there yet. But who knows?”

Founded in 2009, Partners by Design is a multimedia marketing firm specializing in communication, marketing, graphic design and web services for companies, governmental organizations and nonprofits. It also publishes a lifestyle magazine, Discover, The Essence of St. Clair, six times per year.

Check out our online Shopify store at LakeLife247.com

Best of the Best

St. Clair dealers dominate
Alabama’s biggest boat show

Story by Jackie Romine Walburn
Photos by Wallace Bromberg Jr.

St. Clair-based boat dealers and local dock and boat house
builders accounted for about a third of the more than 20 exhibitors at the 49th
annual Birmingham Boat Show, the oldest and largest in the state.

And rightly so. St. Clair is blessed with two lakes and a host of
businesses to make the lake season an understandable favorite for getting out
on the water and making the most of it.

Exhibiting at the boat show allows dealers to show off the newest
in design and amenities in boats they sell – including fishing, pontoon, deck,
ski, wakeboard, wakesurf and leisure boats – to thousands of visitors during
the four-day event at the Birmingham Civic Center Jan. 23-26. The annual
exhibitioon also brings “boat-show” pricing from manufacturers.

Among those showing were Poor House Branch Marina in Lincoln and
Rodney’s Marine, Trident Marine Group and Woods Surfside Marina from Pell City
and Cropwell. All brought their top sellers for 2020 to show off what’s new and
unique, take custom orders and often sell the exhibited boats, too.

“This is not your daddy’s pontoon boat,” says Trident Marine Group
co-owner Jeff Tolbert, pointing to the Trifecta 900 hp double-engine pontoon
boat, Trident’s most unique offering at the boat show. “There are only three in
the U.S. right now,” Tolbert said. The 30-foot fiberglass “tri-toon” with its
twin 450 hp Mercury engines can push the luxury ship up to 83 miles per hour.

Armed with lighted speaker systems and matching under lights, front
and rear cameras that display on a state-of-the-art touch screen and two deluxe
leather captain seats, the new Trifecta combines luxury with horsepower and was
boat show priced at about $254,000. Trident had already taken two custom orders
for the Trifecta boat, which is being manufactured in northern Indiana. 

Trident’s Cropwell business is one of three locations where they
sell Trifecta, South Bay and Berkshire boats, the pontoon boat lines produced
by Forest River, a Berkshire-Hathaway company associated with financier Warren

Geared toward families, with free admission for children 12 and
younger, the boat show dedicates 250,000 square feet of exhibit space to
highlighting the latest in boats, motors, boathouses, piers and boat-lift
design, plus fishing gear, guides and outfitters.

For local boat dealers, the investment in the boat show exhibits
pays off in new and returning customers and brand recognition.

 “The boat-show pricing
brings in customers, and the quality of the products often drives customers to
our stores,” says Eddie Rush of Poor House Branch Marina and Boat Outlet on
Logan Martin Lake. They specialize in Avalon boats, which are manufactured in

 “The boat show is also a
chance for us to see what customers are looking for,” he says. Most dealers
bring top 2020 boats to show and share information about other offerings,
including used boats, available at the dealer locations.

The newest Avalon offering – the Avalon WakeToon-Surf series
that’s designed as a wakeboard surfing boat – was not on display at the boat
show. The new WakeToon is in production and won a 2020 national innovation
award from the National Marine Manufacturers Association, says Mark Semino of
Avalon boats.

Aside from the new WakeToon, Avalon has made few changes in its
design in recent years, Semino says. “We’ve been very successful with our core
boat, so there are not many changes,” just new color offerings and the popular
addition of a center console pontoon the company introduced in recent years, he

Poor House Branch Marina, located on Logan Martin at Lincoln, also
offers service and repair, boat storage and boat rental.

Over at Woods Surfside Marina’s boat show exhibition, co-owner Eva
Hildebrant pointed out Bennington’s new Bowrider pontoon, which has a step-down
U-lounge seating area in the front of the boat. The Bennington Bowrider,
available in 20- and 24-foot lengths, also placed in the 2020 national
innovation awards.

The new design won an honorable mention for the industry’s first
bowrider-style pontoon, with innovation judges noting that “the stadium-like
seating increases driver sight lines while providing a sporty and elegant look
not seen before.” 

Woods Surfside Marina also brought along Xpress Aluminum fishing
boats and highlighted a variety of Bennington Pontoon boats, the No. 1 brand
pontoon in the U.S. The 14-acre Marina at Cropwell has more than 300 dry
storage stalls and three piers of wet slips, offers full-service gas and a
valet boat launch service. Woods Surfside also carries Yamaha and Mercury
motors and sells pre-owned boats.

Rodney’s Marine Center in Pell City brought to the boat show
Starcraft tri-toon and Silver Wave pontoon boats and Blue Wave and Carolina
Skiff-Sea Chaser center-console boats.

 But the star of Rodney’s
boat show offerings was the new 300 hp Silver Wave fiberglass tri-toon boat
equipped with RGB lights, Bluetooth control and a touch-screen system with
forward and back camera. RGB lights are red, blue and green LED lights that
combine the three colors to produce more than 16 million hues of light.

 “It ain’t your
grandfather’s pontoon,” says co-owner Rodney Humphries. An innovative design
allows for expanded passenger seating or playpen room with more space per
square foot. The new 24-foot Silver Wave is a top seller and can be customized.
“It’s a $100,000 look for $50,000.”

Rodney’s, which is a full-service marine stop with service, sales
and storage with valet services, also sells fishing boats, Alweld duck boats
and Suzuki engines.

Personal watercraft remain popular at the boat show, with
attendees lining up to register to win the show’s grand prize, a 2020 Yamaha
Waverunner EX, being given away by Big #1 Motor Sports of Birmingham.

At the Big #1 exhibit, the newest and fastest-selling option in
personal watercraft was the SeaDoo Fish Pro, a three-seater designed for sport
fishing. Equipped with a Rotax 1630 ACE 170 hp engine and 70-liter fuel tank,
the SeaDoo Fish Pro comes with a 51-liter LinQ Fishing cooler with rod holders,
a fishing bench seat, watertight phone box, trolling mode, Garmin ECHOMAP Plus
62 cv fish finder, direct access front storage, a boarding ladder, extended
rear platform, LinQ attachment points, angled gunwale footrests with a stable
and predictable hull. The boat show price for the SeaDoo Fish Pro was $16,000,
including a four-year warranty and a SeaDoo trailer.

“We’ve sold some,” Hairston says, noting that by Saturday of the
boat show, Big #1 had sold more than 20 personal watercraft – both SeaDoo and
Yamaha – to boat show attendees.

Three St. Clair County-based dock and boathouse building companies
– Tradesman, Mackey and Lakeside Boathouse – exhibited at the event, showing
off their latest designs and meeting new customers.

Specializing in custom boathouses, sun decks, boat lifts, docks
and seawalls, Tradesman Company’s exhibit at the boat show highlighted
Tradesman’s attention to detail and long-lasting structures. Sales manager Ryan
Wooten says Tradesman owner and founder Fred Casey’s original innovative
designs for boathouses remain the standard at Tradesman.

“The hipped metal roof, 8-by-8 support beams and braces made of
pressure-treated pine” are unique to Tradesman boathouses, he says. He adds
that Tradesman is the “only boathouse builder statewide using hand-picked No.
1, 34MCQ pressure-treated lumber from the water level up to the roof.”

Being at the boat show helps in Tradesman’s expanding market,
Wooten says. In addition to custom boathouses with single or double slips, boat
lifts and sundecks, Tradesman’s offerings include floating piers, seawalls and
docks. They also build aluminum boathouses and commercial and residential
floating piers.

Today’s boathouses can include all the bells and whistles owners
want, including entertainment decks plus boat lifts and storage for personal
watercraft, kayaks and paddle boats, says Eric Mackey of Mackey Docks and Boat
Houses, a third-generation dock builder.

He says Mackey builds docks and boathouses that last a lifetime.
Located in Ragland and in business since 1983, Mackey specializes in high-end
boathouses at an economical price. The goal is to build durable structures with
low maintenance that meet the needs of folks who live on and enjoy lake and
waterfront living.

With standard and custom designs in piers, docks and boathouses,
Mackey’s promotional material states, “Even our competition loves our work.”

Serving Logan Martin with dock and boathouse work on most Alabama
lakes down to the Florida Panhandle, Mackey’s work includes pile driving, dock
and boathouse construction, boat lift installation, seawall construction, and
repair of existing shore structures.

Lakeside Boathouses in Cropwell exhibits at the boat show most
years, says Lakeside partner Chris Hoover. “We see existing customers and meet
new ones,” Hoover says. He notes that Lakeside sees repeat customers and enjoys
strong referrals. “That lets us know that we are doing a good job.” Lakeside
builds boathouses, decks, boat lifts, piers and seawalls.

“Our philosophy is to do a good job for a fair price and exceed
expectations,” Hoover says, noting that word of mouth and outreach at events
including the Birmingham Boat Show have helped Lakeside grow its market.

It is expanding services and has completed building projects on
lakes and rivers from the Tennessee Valley to the Gulf.

also provides staining and pressure washer services, sells Wet Steps and, most
recently, introduced a new travel service business. Lakeside also plans to open
a new Lakeside Grill at Coosa Island in May 2020.

Zeke Gossett

Hometown hero leads JSU
team to top spot
in college fishing

Story by Carol Pappas and
Bassmaster Writer David A. Brown
Submitted photos
from Bassmasters

When Pell City’s Zeke Gossett began his fishing career, he was only 10. With 35 high school and three college championships plus dozens of opens and charity tournaments behind him, Gossett certainly wasn’t finished with his winning ways.

On March 9, he hoisted the Carhartt Bassmaster College Series Championship trophy high in the air with teammate Lucas Smith of Southside as proof.

They competed in the championship on Lay Lake, and they were presented the trophy for Jacksonville State University on the Classic stage in Birmingham during the Bassmaster Classic festivities.

“I really worked hard for this win, for sure,” Gossett said. “We qualified for this tournament a couple of weeks ago through the college bass tournament on Smith Lake. They took the top 10 from that tournament,” which had 250 boats in the field.

“Getting to weigh in on the Classic stage in front of all those people was amazing and winning on top of that made it that much more special,” he said. “Getting to represent JSU on such a big stage was an awesome thing as well as spreading the word about our fishing team.”

Couple that with winning in his senior year – with a freshman – and the moment was indeed one to savor. “My partner is a freshman this year, so I was happy to win it with him and watch him soak up the experience with me.”

And Gossett isn’t through by any means. When he graduates in December, he plans to fish the Bassmaster Opens and guide around the Coosa River.

Quest for the championship

Despite a slow start, Gossett and Smith capitalized on a morning flurry that yielded a five-bass limit of 17 pounds, 4 ounces, which led the JSU team to victory in the championship tournament presented by Bass Pro Shops on Lay Lake.

Gossett, a senior majoring in parks and recreation, and Smith, a freshman business management major, fished the lake’s south end and targeted main-current seams. Their first half-hour was frustratingly fruitless, but then the bite ignited, and the winners boxed their weight by 9:30 a.m.

“At one place where we actually caught three of our keepers, we ended up catching four more in a row, and we had to stop fishing to cull,” Gossett said. “That kind of hurt us because the school was fired up, but we couldn’t figure out which one to cull.

“We hit a flurry — I caught two in a row, then he caught two in a row. It was crazy. Our biggest one today was a 3-13. Our smallest was barely 3 pounds.”

Gossett and Smith alternated between 1/2-ounce Z-Man Jack Hammer ChatterBaits with Reaction Innovations Little Dipper trailers and those same Skinny Dippers rigged on 1/2-ounce swimbait heads.

“Some places were better for the ChatterBait and some places were better for the swimbait,” Gossett said. “Anywhere the ChatterBait would get hung up a lot, we’d throw the swimbait.”

Smith said being at the right place at the right time was key. Strategic site selection was also an important element of their game plan.

“There were two feeding windows; one at 7 and one about 9:30,” he said. “After 9:30, we didn’t cull anymore.

“The current definitely played a role, for sure. We targeted spotted bass because the current was so strong, and we knew we could catch them in the current breaks.”

Gossett said told reporters the victory was particularly gratifying, given its redemptive backstory. During his sophomore year, his team fell short in what he considered an ideal scenario.

“We had a tournament back in 2016 on Lay Lake in June, which is my favorite time of year, and we absolutely bombed,” Gossett said. “I put in a lot of hard work practicing for this tournament, and it paid off.”

Buck’s Island

Family tradition
keeps growing on
Neely Henry

Story by Jackie Walburn
Submitted photos

At the family-owned and operated Buck’s Island Pontoon and Bass Boat Warehouse, new for 2020 are the Bentley Pontoon line, the Caymas Bass Boat line, plus three new Skeeter fishing boat offerings and expanding selections – including kayaks and accessories – at The Loft at Buck’s Island, the pro-level tackle store.

Located in Southside on Neely Henry Lake, Buck’s Island is a full-service, new and used boat dealership that specializes in pontoon boats, bass boats and aluminum fishing boats. In business on the Coosa River lake in Etowah County since 1948, Buck’s Island also sells new and used outboard motors and has 18 dedicated service bays providing maintenance, service and repairs on all types of boats. Buck’s also welcomes trade-in boats and offers used boats of all varieties.

An on-site, pro-level tackle store called The Loft carries full lines of reels, tackle and clothing and accessories. Online ordering is available at shopbucksisland.com.

Founded by Buck Lumpkin 52 years ago, Buck’s Island remains in the family, says co-owner Mary Lumpkin, who operates Buck’s Island with husband Tony, Buck’s son. “And we are proud to say that our daughters and son-in-law are going to carry on the business, as the third generation.” Daughter Angela and husband Israel and daughter Katie are already working at the business founded by their grandfather,

The Loft at Buck’s Island, opened in fall of 2018, is geared to professional tournament anglers with a professional buyer helping to stock the tackle store that sees customers from throughout the state, Mrs. Lumpkin says. With a huge selection of tackle, reels and lures, The Loft also carries clothing and hats from all the brands they sell, plus sunglasses and clothing from Costa and Calcutta Outdoors.

Added to The Loft’s offerings in late 2019 were kayaks, the fastest-growing market in boating. The Loft carries Jackson Kayaks, a brand founded by Olympic kayaker Eric Jackson and made in Tennessee, and YakAttack, USA-made fishing gear and accessories for kayaks.

Brand name boats offered at Buck’s Island include Bentley and Crest Pontoon boats, Caymas Bass Boats, G-3 Boats, Polar Kraft fishing boats, Stingray bowrider boats, Falcon Bass Boats, and Suncatcher Pontoon boats by G-3, a Yamaha marine group company. Buck’s also specializes in Yamaha and Mercury outboard motors.

Of the new lines and models for 2020, the Bentley Pontoon “is a lot of pontoon for the money,” Mrs. Lumpkin says. “We’re happy with the line and how it looks, the quality and the pricing.” The same goes for the Caymas Bass Boat line that’s new to Buck’s Island this year.

She says the new tri-toon standard for pontoon boats, with three pontoons and up to 300 hp motors that allow for pulling skiers or tubers, are becoming the preferred family and friends boating option for Buck’s customers. But runabouts, like the Stingray bowrider boats, remain popular. Fiberglass bass boats generally outsell aluminum fishing boats at Buck’s, depending on how customers like to fish, with the new fishing kayaks now in the mix for fishing the Coosa River and its lakes.

Check them out online at bucksisland.com