Story by Robert Debter Photos by Becky Staples Submitted Photos
Hometown parade a big draw for event
It is 1822 in Alabama: statehood is still a recent memory – achieved in 1819 following two years under a territorial government after separating from the State of Mississippi. There are 32 counties, the state capital is located in Cahaba, near Selma, Israel Pickens is the newly elected governor, and the population is over 125,000.
These were the days when great men and leaders, such as Thomas Jefferson, still walked and wrote, and those who would become great leaders and better men, like John C. Calhoun, learned from them.
In St. Clair County, established in 1818, many of the distinguished and proud names, their descendants still living here, have created new lives and started families in this virgin land, hewn from the wilderness by the hands of heroes.
The Alabama Fever Land Rush and the War of 1812 had brought them here. From Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia they came: Ash, Battles, Beason, Chandler, Cobb, Cox, Cunningham, Green, Hodges, Jones, Looney, Newton, Phillips, Thomason, Yarbrough and more.
These families and others settled in and around the center of the young county, which was known then as “St. Clairsville.”
On Nov. 28, 1822, this thriving town was incorporated, and on Dec. 12, it was made the county seat. Shortly after these events, the name was changed to “Ashville” in honor of John Ash, a pioneer, early settler, and leader who became St. Clair County’s first elected judge and would later serve in the state legislature.
Celebrating 200 years
These stories of struggle and sacrifice, journeys and new life, muskets and covered wagons, and the triumphs of resting one’s boots and putting down roots in a fresh, new God-given land, were celebrated by citizens of Ashville, descendants and friends from near and far on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022, in an impressive bicentennial event.
Great care in preparation was evident. Ashville Mayor Derrick Mostella took charge and established a bicentennial committee, co-chaired by Ashville City Councilwoman and Mayor Pro Tempore Sue Price and Becky Staples.
Working with Ashville City Clerk Chrystal St. John, they made sure the day of celebration would be nothing short of the honor deserved by those who paved this path 200 years ago. Joining them were members of the Bicentennial Committee: Robin Bowlin, Rena Brown, Jeanna Gossett, Susan Kell, Billy Price, Janice Price, Nancy Sansing, Ricky Saruse, Chad and Esther Smith, Rick and Liz Sorrell, Dr. Jay Stewart, Renna Turner, Denise Williams and Nick Wilson.
Other events became part of the celebration. In the weeks leading up to the day, a 5-K run was held, and Ashville High School seniors Joe Stevens and Rachel St. John earned the titles of “Mr. and Miss Ashville Bicentennial,” awarded to them by the Bicentennial Committee for winning the high school essay contest.
The events of the city’s celebration began at ten o’clock on the steps of the oldest working courthouse in the state of Alabama. Mostella welcomed the crowd by thanking everyone for coming out to the “greatest city in the greatest county in the greatest state.” William “Bill” Watkins, a naval veteran who served during the Korean War and is commander of St. Clair SCV Camp 308, who led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Newly elected St. Clair County Commission Chairman Stan Batemon offered prayer, followed by commencement speech by director of the Ashville Museum & Archives, who began by asking all veterans from all branches of the U.S. Military to be recognized.
Guest of honor and grand marshal James Spann
A concise history of the founding and naming of Ashville followed with a recognition of several other historic and noteworthy family names: Ashcraft, Bothwell, Box, Byers, Cason, Crow, Hood, Inzer, Montgomery, Nunnally, Partlow, Robinson, Sheffield, Teague and dozens more.
“Ashville is the type of town that Americans treasure,” he quoted from author, historian and leader Mattie Lou (Teague) Crow. “Our old homes are beautifully kept. The courthouse, built in 1844 to replace the original log building, serves well the people of St. Clair County. The natural beauty of the location of our churches and other old buildings that here for a century give the town the looks of a safe place to live, a place where people share in meaningful work and play.”
Others joined the celebration with performances by saxophonist Kevin Moore playing the Star Spangled Banner, and Chris Cash singing America the Beautiful.
Bunting adorned buildings and streets throughout the city. Patrons toured its three museums: the Ashville Museum & Archives, the John W. Inzer Museum and the Historic Ashville Masonic Lodge and Mattie Lou Teague (Crow) Museum. Reenactors gathered between the Inzer Museum and the Historic Masonic Lodge, joined by a historic fife and drum band from Rome, Georgia.
The county seat’s historic courthouse square was alive with activity, from hand forged knives display to face painting for the children to special offerings by the St. Clair Historical Society, Springville VFW Post 3229, Ashville Masonic Lodge 186, Ashville High School and Pine Forest Baptist Church.
Carriage rides and a petting zoo highlighted the day’s events as did live music performed by the Martini Shakers, and Berritt Hayne, a native of St. Clair County who contended as a finalist on TheVoice.
Guest of honor and grand marshal for a grand parade had historic ties himself. James Spann, the noted broadcast meteorologist, is a grandson of former St. Clair County political leader and businessman, Judge Curtis Adkins. His uncle, Joe Adkins, followed his father into the banking world and also served as mayor of Ashville.
Our digital age gives access to newspapers without holding a copy in hand or sporting the ink smudges they leave behind. Although they can be read online, St. Clair County still has two newspapers one can hold, read and have ink-stained fingers if you want them.
Ashville published the first newspapers in the county, and the earliest was the Democratic Farmer, started by John Hambright in 1848, according to Mattie Lou Teague Crow in her History of St. Clair County. Mrs. Crow also documents The St. Clair Diamond, published by Thomas and W. J. Managham from 1859 until 1861, and then the Ashville Vidette published in the mid-1860s before and during part of the Civil War. After the war, in November 1868, S.J. Fowler published the St. Clair County Eagle for a while.
St. Clair’s first newspaper that continued publication began in 1873 as The Southern Aegis under the direction of George R. Cather, who moved from Maryland to Ashville with the expressed purpose to establish a newspaper. The Cather family owned the paper until 1944 when they sold it to Edmond Blair of Pell City. That paper is still published under the name of The St. Clair News-Aegis. Our other county paper is The St. Clair Times, published by The Anniston Star.
Since 1872, quite a number of newspapers were published in St. Clair County towns – Ragland, Odenville, Springville and Pell City. From 1873 when The Southern Aegis began, until the early 1920s, those towns published 12 different newspapers.
There is reference to one published in Cropwell in the 1890s, The Cropwell Enterprise, but there seems to be no copy existing today. However, a one-page photocopy from this paper dated Oct. 31, 1895, records some early history of Cropwell.
One paragraph tells of the difficulty of getting supplies to merchants in Cropwell and Coosa Valley in the first half of the 19th Century. It reads, “In this day of railways, it is hard for us to realize the inconveniences incident to business in Coosa Valley during the 1850’s and early 1860’s. Prior to 1866, all the merchandise for Coosa Valley was shipped to Greensport and carted thence to the points of distribution. When the river above Greensport was too low for navigation, the merchants were forced to haul their goods on wagons from Rome, Georgia.”
It further states that before the Civil War, the goods for Coosa Valley “… were purchased in Charleston, S. C., and no item was sold by the retailer for less than 100 per cent profit.”
Every newspaper had news from all communities, some of which no longer exist, such as Round Pond which was below Bethel Baptist Church on U.S. 411.
Interesting events caused by interesting people occurred in every community. The local news columns reported on who was visiting whom or who was “stepping out” (courting) someone. Church events and school events took first place many times. Sometimes feuds made the news and even murder. However, tidbits are often more interesting.
Liquor and religion combined in one brief report in the Springville Item’s, “Odenville News” on June 11, 1903: “Two fights Saturday at the church house. The Grand Jury should look after the boys. Young men, please leave your bottles at home when you start to church.” One wonders how the Grand Jury could “look after” the miscreants on a Sunday morning.
During the years of laying the railroad through Odenville, The Springville Item gave almost weekly updates of the construction progress. However, two reports had nothing to do with work.
On March 26, 1903, “Odenville News” in the Springville Item included with the railroad report, this comment, “Preaching was a failure in the [railroad workers’] camps Sunday.” Then three weeks later, April 16, the Item printed this: “Several of our railroad men joined the Odd Fellows Saturday night. Hope they felt like working Monday.” Preaching was a failure was followed by what must have been “A good time was had by all” weekend for the men later.
A reported suicide in Beaver Valley causes one to reread and speculate. As written Feb. 9, 1899, in The Southern Alliance, “Mr. Richmond Steed, of Beaver Valley, aged 70, killed himself at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Crow Harden, on last Monday morning. He used an old pistol which he brought home with him from the army in 1865. He fired three shots into his head.”
This was reported in several county newspapers with more information in each. The Southern Aegis of Feb. 9, 1899, gave specifics of the pistol. “During the war he had been a soldier in the federal army, and the weapon used in his own death was an army revolver he brought home at the close of the war and had preserved ever since as a relic of the war.”
Shooting himself in the head three times causes the inquiring mind to desire to question further.
The big news in April 1891 was electricity lighting the county seat of St. Clair. “Ashville Illuminated,” heralded The Southern Aegis, of Thursday, April 23, 1891.
‘Scott, Wells, and Lindsey’ [no surnames or company given] who installed the system, encountered several problems along the way, but finally they set the time and date, Saturday night at 7 p.m., April 18, 1891. The local steam whistle blasted on the hour, and 8-year-old Marcia Ney Cather quickly reached and pulled the switch.
The townspeople roared approval, guns were fired, and the band played as “Instantly … all Ashville was wrapt in a glorious brilliancy, magical, as it were, and wonderful to the expectant crowd watching the display. Ashville, for the first time in its history, could be seen in the light of one of the greatest inventions of the age.”
The invention of the automobile fascinated the citizens of St. Clair County, and when county folk began buying them, the excitement increased.
No one was more excited than Delia Smith, who wrote of day-to-day Ashville events in a diary she kept from June to November 1907. The Southern Aegis published the diary in 1932.
Delia expressed uncertainty about automobiles at first, writing, “Dr. J.B. Bass is having an automobile stable built to put his motor buggy in when it gets here. Give me old Dobbin. He may kick, (one kicked Andrew Cooley last Sunday), but at least they don’t sputter so.” June 26, 1907 [Southern Aegis, June 24, 1932]
Her attitude had changed by July when she wrote, “Ashville is getting bigger and better every day. We have three automobiles now. One for every 125 people. That’s more per population than any other town in the state. And folks thinking about buying more. I’m going automobile riding next week. I’m going to borrow Aunt Emma’s riding veil.” July 10, 1907 [Southern Aegis, July 15, 1932]
Then she went to the Alabama State Fair in October 1907 and wrote, that at the fair “… Walter Christie the great automobile racer was there. And you never saw such driving and heard such popping. I’ll bet he went every bit of 35 miles an hour. He simply flew, burning the wind as he went.” October 9, 1907 [Southern Aegis, October 8, 1932]
Delia Smith was not hopeful about hot air balloons and “air ships.” In the same diary entry as above, she wrote, “All Birmingham [at the fair] is talking of nothing else but Baldwin’s daring flight. [Thomas Scott Baldwin, 1853-1923] There were just heaps and heaps of balloons going up and down. I don’t believe that I’d feel particularly safe in that little basket swinging at the bottom of the balloon. I believe I feel safer riding a broom handle like the woman who sweeps the cobwebs out of the sky.”
And of air flight she observed, “I’ve been reading about these Wright brothers trying to invent a flying machine. One that will be run by a motor just like an automobile. The picture that they had in the paper looked to me like a couple of orange crates put together with a flutter wheel in front.”
One can hope that Delia flew in an airplane sometime during her life.
This headline from The Pell City News spurs curiosity, “Moving Van from St. Clair Raided Near Leeds” The Aug. 30, 1922, article begins, “Riley Jones is in the Hillman hospital with a bullet wound in his hip. Jas. Summerville and Mrs.BettisMary BettisMaryBettisMaryMary Bettis are in the county jail charged with violating the prohibition law, and Lee Bettis is a fugitive from justice, according to officers, as the result of an encounter with Deputy Sheriff J.E. Taylor and his assistant, BollingO. E.O.E. Bolling of Leeds, which occurred Thursday night … just outside the city limits of Leeds.”
Having been informed by long-distance telephone about erratic movements of the truck, Deputy Sheriff Taylor had secured search warrants and was ready when he stopped the truck. Riley foolishly made a grab at Taylor’s pistol, and Taylor shot him. Lee Bettis made a run for it and was still at large the next day.
When authorities searched it, “The truck contained a complete copper still, five hound dogs, two shotguns, one pistol, two kegs, one containing three gallons of whiskey and another two gallons; a jug and a quart bottle of whiskey, and a large cardboard box with many holes in it containing a “pet coon … The truck, dogs, coon and other articles are being held at the county jail.”
Elopements often made the news. Sometime the report used the old British phrase, “They went to Gretna Green,” a location in Scotland for secret marriages, like Rising Fawn, Ga., used to be for Alabama eloping couples.
The Aug. 4, 1897, issue of The Springville News in its “Brompton Paragraphs” column, reported an elopement intermingled with watermelon stealing.
“It is reported that a few nights since, somebody went over to Mr. Riley Moody’s to steal his daughter, but through carelessness … they got his watermelons. But foul play always comes when night is chosen rather than day. Mr. Moody himself chose day rather than night (to steal), so he came out all right with one of Mr. Taylor’s girls…. He chose for himself a Miss Mecie, one that he can call his own. Happy may you be, old friend, with your young bride.”
According to Rubye Sisson’s transcribed St. Clair County Marriage Records 1818-189, Riley Moody married Mercy Taylor July 29, 1897.
Wedding announcements should be standard – describing the bride’s dress, bridesmaids, flowers and music. However, one could ponder a while on this May 21, 1937, announcement in The Southern Aegis (names omitted to avoid embarrassment). “The many friends of Mrs. ___ ___ will read with interest the marriage of her daughter Miss ___ ___. The wedding was consummated in Houston, Texas, last week.”
Wrong choice of word or too much information? No matter, it just adds to the joy of reading old St. Clair County newspapers.
Efforts begin to save one of St. Clair’s most storied structures
Story by Robert Debter Submitted Photos
The story of the Looney Family, among the first settlers in St. Clair County and one of the oldest in state of Alabama, begins over 200 years ago on the high, east bank of Tensaw Lake, which had been from an old channel of the Alabama River at a place named Fort Mims.
Remaining structure after the fire, below
The fort began as the fortified plantation of early settler Samuel Mims and consisted of 17 buildings, a blockhouse and a log palisade.
Following the victory of the Red Stick Creeks at the Battle of Burnt Corn Creek on July 27, 1813, over 500 settlers from the surrounding area sought refuge at the fortified home. Maj. Daniel Beasley and 70 volunteers of the Mississippi Territorial Militia were sent to garrison the fort, while another 100 volunteers were sent to other nearby posts and forts.
At noon, on Aug. 30, Red Stick warriors, led by William Weatherford, or “Red Eagle,” assaulted the haven by rushing though the fort’s open gate and firing through the gun ports. Maj. Beasley and his militiamen fell during the first part of the enemy’s attack.
It fell to Capt. Dixon Bailey, a Creek, and his force of Americans and Creeks who repelled the hostiles for four hours. The battle ended when the fort’s buildings were set ablaze. The casualties numbered from 300 to over 400, mostly women and children.
Gov. Willie Blount (pronounced “Wylie”) of Tennessee was quick to react and the state legislature authorized him to summon 5,000 troops to defend the Mississippi Territory. Major General of the Tennessee Militia, Andrew Jackson, who was recovering from a near fatal brawl in Nashville, was given command of the volunteer forces.
On Oct. 7, with his arm in a sling, Jackson and his second in command, Gen. John Coffee, departed Camp Blount in Fayetteville. They made their way south and later erected Fort Strother along the Coosa River in present day Ragland.
The Creek War came to a close following the Battle of Horseshoe Bend on March 27, 1814, and many familiar names of places in Alabama came about as result of this often-forgotten war, such as: Moulton and Somerville and the counties of Blount, Coffee, Jackson, Lauderdale, Montgomery and Wilcox.
St. Clair beginnings
Among the brave Tennessee volunteers were John Looney and his son Henry, of Maury County. During the war, they had come through this land, helped construct Fort Strother, and fell in love with the beautiful country that surrounded them during the campaign.
In the aftermath, father and son returned to Maury County and in 1816, John began selling his land. In late 1817, he, his wife Rebecca, and their children left Maury County, bound for the land described by Julia Tutwiler, as “Goodlier than the land that Moses climbed lone Nebo’s mount to see.”
Trusting in the Lord with their hearts and leaning not on their own understandings, the John Looney Family settled in Beaver Valley in 1818, and the site they chose was near a sparkling spring, not far from Little Beaver Creek. They soon began work on their house and were finished by the winter.
The new spring brought with it swarms of mosquitoes, illness from fever and chills and a flooded home. A new home place was found nearby, and the house was moved to higher ground where it has stood ever since.
John Looney became a prominent leader in the young St. Clair County, serving as a justice of the peace and foreman of the first jury. After his death in 1827, Henry became head of the family and married Jane Ash, the daughter of Ashville’s namesake John Ash, on Oct. 25, 1838. Henry departed this life in 1876 at the age of 78 and was interred at Liberty Cemetery in Odenville. Jane moved to Texas around 1888 to live with her son George and died there in 1900, aged 85. She was laid to rest in City Greenwood Cemetery in Weatherford, Texas.
Henry’s siblings were Jack (married to Lucinda Cooper), Asa (Joyce Cooper), Absolom (Nancy Chenault), Sophia (John Cooper), Elizabeth (Wylie Yarbrough), Isaac (Elizabeth Hammond), Wylie (Laurinda Little) and Melinda (Hugh Cooper).
The Looney House, with all its history and dovetailed, heart of pine logs, was sold in the late 1800s by D.W. Looney to John and Eliza Lonnergan. It remained in the Lonnergan Family until it came into the possession of Col. and Mrs. Joseph R. Creitz.
The house, once the perfect picture of pioneer architecture and Southern resolve, was now without a roof, missing many of its window panes and overgrown with honeysuckle. In March 1972, the couple offered the house to the county or any historical organization that would vow to restore the property.
Historical Society steps in to save structure
On April 8, 19 people attended the founding meeting of the St. Clair Historical Society at the Odenville Community Center. On Sept. 15, the house and property were given to the St. Clair Historical Society for $10 and by the end of the society’s first year, its membership measured over 500.
Mrs. Mattie Lou (Teague) Crow valiantly led from the front and organized the restoration of the home. A cedar shake roof was installed, window panes were replaced, and the grounds were cleared, with much appreciation being extended to the Ashville Garden Club and the John Pope Eden Career Technical Center.
The front porch was restored by Jack Bowling of Rainbow City for the cost of around $2,600 and it was said, “It’s as near to the original as we could build it,” as a great deal of research was conducted to determine how the first porch looked.
The rock steps, quarried out of Beaver Mountain and hand hewn, date back to the 1860s and were donated from the old Cox house in Beaver Valley. Wild roses and four o’clocks were planted. For the inside of the house, Miss Nan Young made the rugs and Miss Nellie Patterson made the briar-stitched curtains.
Furnishings and decorations were donated from treasures found in the homes of many St. Clair Countians: Karl Scott donated a pegged rope bed; Ann Riser gave a lovely chest of drawers which opens into a desk; Elizabeth Teague donated a period rocker; and the Rankin Family gave a beautiful wardrobe.
Howard Hill gifted a set of candle molds, which belonged to his grandfather, and his wife, Elizabeth, the great-granddaughter of county pioneers Littleton Yarbrough and Reuben Phillips, donated a reel, for arranging thread, from her great-grandfather Reuben Phillips’ plantation and a butter mold used by her mother, Sallie (Phillips) Hodges.
The first of the St. Clair Historical Society’s Annual Fall Festivals took place over the weekend of Nov. 23 and 24, 1974, and the grand opening of the museum was attended by a crowd of over 2,000. The ribbon cutting was officiated by Dr. James McClendon, the father of Sen. Jim McClendon, and music was provided by the Springville and St. Clair County High School bands.
The Looney House was soon added to National Register of Historic Places and on Feb. 15, 1975, a certificate, signed by Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace, recognizing this achievement was presented to the St. Clair Historical Society.
In 2018, descendants of John and Rebecca Looney came together from all over Alabama, as well as Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas and Utah in a homecoming celebration as part of the St. Clair County Bicentennial.
Until a tragic fire destroyed it on Aug. 6, 2022, it was considered one of the oldest-standing, two-story, dogtrot houses in the state of Alabama.
St. Clair County’s courthouse stands like a beacon, centering a perfectly square intersection in downtown Ashville. The structure itself has undergone many renovations since Littleton Yarbrough built it in 1844, but it remains central to the county’s legal system, making it the oldest operating courthouse in Alabama. Many of the stories created within its walls and the legal system itself were shaped by those who served as its judges.
A sampling of those earliest years gives a glimpse of how history was made and who made it:
John Ash
John Ash was born Nov. 30, 1783, to William and Jane (Fleming) Ash. The family originated in York County, S.C., and, making their way south, found themselves in Franklin County, Ga., for a time. John, his brother, James, and their families made their way to Alabama.
In January 1817, they were making their way on the Old Montevallo Road, which led through modern-day Ashville and Odenville in Beaver Valley. They camped there and spying game in the distance, John dismounted his wagon, took aim with his rifle and fired. The shot caused the horse to bolt, and Betsy, John and Margaret Ash’s daughter, was thrown from the wagon.
John Ash historic marker
She lay unconscious for three days until Jan. 27, when she died at the age of 3. Not finding it in their hearts to leave Betsy alone, the family stayed with her. A log dogtrot house was constructed for John’s family and his wife’s parents, the Rev. Thomas and Ann Newton. This house, the Ash-Newton Cabin, still stands today and is the oldest structure in St. Clair County.
John would have a two-story house built not far from the Newtons and his beloved daughter.
In November 1819, Ash succeeded James Thomason as county judge and remained in that position until the next election in 1821. Ash was the first man elected to that position, as Judge Thomason had been appointed by Gov. William Wyatt Bibb.
In 1820, Ash, Joel Chandler, John Cunningham, John Massey and George Shotwell were selected by Bibb to secure a Seat of Justice for the county. The first courts had taken place at the home of Alexander Brown near present-day Ashville in Old Town, or “Cataula” in the Creek Language.
On Nov. 28, 1822, St. Clairsville, which covered 30 acres and was in the center of St. Clair County, was incorporated. In less than a month, on Dec. 12, the town was chosen by the five commissioners as the county seat.
St. Clairsville was owned by Philip Coleman, a man who possessed great business skills. He and the commissioners had a model of the town built and began dividing it into lots and selecting locations for the county courthouse and jail.
After this process, Coleman and the commissioners agreed to rename the town Ashville, to honor their friend Judge John Ash.
The courts were moved to Ashville well in advance of the construction of the first courthouse, an 1824 wooden structure that stood on the site where Ashville Rexall Drug was located and is now home to Ashville Dental Care.
The new courthouse was built in 1844 by Littleton Yarbrough, and although renovated several times, part of the original 1844 structure still stands, encased in the modern building, making it the oldest working house of justice in the state of Alabama.
On Oct. 8, 1823, Ashville was purchased by the commissioners for $10,000. Judge Ash would continue to serve his community and county as state senator from 1825-1826, then 1832-1833 and 1844-1845.
Margaret died in 1855, aged 63, and was reunited with her husband on April 1, 1872, when he departed this life at the age of 89. They are both buried at Liberty Cemetery in Odenville and had a total of 13 children together.
Their original grave markers were donated to the City of Ashville by the John Scoggins family and are on public display at Ashville City Hall.
E.J. Robinson
When Henry DeBerry resigned as probate judge in 1871, Gov. Robert B. Lindsay appointed E.J. Robinson, a young Ashville attorney, to that office. In 1874 Judge Robinson was elected to a full, four-year term, and the voters kept him in office until 1886.
Elisha James Robinson
Elisha James Robinson was born on Sept. 16, 1846, to George and Mary Robinson, who had come to Alabama from Newberry District, S.C., in 1849. The family first lived in Elyton, but in 1857, they purchased a farm two-and-a-half miles away from Ashville.
When he was 17 years old, Robinson entered the Confederate Army. He joined Company E, 53rd Alabama Infantry Regiment in June of 1863, and at once was in the thick of battle at Big Shanty. On Dec. 13, 1864, the discharge of a torpedo caused him to lose his right foot. He was soon discharged and returned to his studies. He read law and passed the bar examination at the age of 22. He was only 25 when he became probate judge.
Judge Robinson was married three times – first to Susan Vandegrift, then to Lena Ligon, and the third time to Laura Weatherall. Two of his sons, Harold and Memory Leake Robinson, were Birmingham lawyers.
After his service as probate judge of St. Clair County, Judge Robinson moved to East Lake and sold his beautiful Victorian home, built in the 1880s, to James P. and Clara (Inzer) Montgomery, which would remain in the Montgomery family for many years until it was transformed into a bed and breakfast inn known as “Roses and Lace.”
It is now owned by the Nicholas Lemonds Family. Judge Robinson served as mayor of East Lake for a number of years and was active in promoting public schools there. Robinson Elementary School was named for him.
He is interred with his third wife at East Lake Cemetery.
James Lewis Herring
James Lewis Herring was born in St. Clair County on Sept. 7, 1876, to James P. Herring and Elizabeth Forman. After his father’s death of brain fever in 1878 at the age of 27, Elizabeth remarried and moved from Springville to Ashville.
Judge James Herring campaign pin
The young James would one day be a football player and graduate of the University of Alabama. He received his degree in law from Georgetown University.
In 1906, at the age of 29, James became the president of Ashville Savings Bank and would serve in that capacity for the remainder of his life. On Dec. 21, 1910, he married Esther Nunnally and the next year was elected probate judge. During his four-year term, Judge Herring championed for new and better roads in St. Clair County.
The Herrings moved to Gadsden in 1916 and there, the former judge would be engaged in real estate and civic activities. He was also a devout Mason.
Judge Herring passed away on Sept. 13, 1952, at his home and was interred at Forrest Cemetery. He would be reunited with his wife almost two years later, when Esther passed away at the age of 68 and was laid to rest beside him.
In 1884, Judge Herring’s uncle, Augustus B. Herring, transformed the family home in Springville into the Herring Hotel, which stood until it destroyed by a fire on Christmas Day in 1960.
Curtis D. Adkins Sr.
Curtis D. Adkins Sr. was born on Jan. 24, 1897, in Moody, attended high school in Leeds and returned from his World War I service in France to become St. Clair County tax collector at the age of 23, the youngest person to ever serve in that office.
Curtis D. Adkins
In 1928, he became St. Clair County probate judge and served as vice president and president of the Leeds State Bank for many years, as well as president of the Ashville Savings Bank. He was also a livestock dealer with large farming interests and served as post adjutant for the American Legion chapter in Ashville.
Death came suddenly and unexpectedly early in the morning on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1956, and he was buried at Ashville City Cemetery. At the time of his death, he was director of the U.S. Savings Bond sales program for the state of Alabama.
Judge Adkins was married to the former Erin Westbrook, and their children were Joe, Curtis Jr., and Carolyn (Adkins) Spann. His grandson is the noted television meteorologist and author, James Spann.
Adkins’ portrait was donated by the Joe Adkins Family to the Ashville Museum & Archives. It was painted by Floyd Stewart, Bessemer, a painter and St. Clair native. l
County named for Revolutionary War soldier, American statesman
Story by Robert Debter Submitted Photos
On Nov. 20, 1818, the Second Alabama Territorial Legislature representing 20 counties, seven of which had been created by the Mississippi Territorial Legislature (Washington, Madison, Baldwin, Clarke, Mobile, Monroe and Montgomery) and the remaining 13 (Morgan*, Lawrence, Franklin, Limestone, Lauderdale, Blount, Tuscaloosa, Marengo, Shelby, Bibb**, Dallas, Marion and Conecuh) established by the First Alabama Territorial Legislature earlier that year.
The first county created by the Second Territorial Legislature was taken from the northern portion of Shelby County and would bear the name of St. Clair.
A county older than the state itself draws its name from far away roots in Scotland. On March 23, 1734, at at Thurso Castle, in Thurso, County Caithness, Scotland, William and Margaret St. Clair welcomed a newborn son and bestowed the name, Arthur. After completing his formal education, he studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh and was apprenticed with Dr. William Hunter in England for a time. But like so many of his warrior ancestors, he heard the call of adventure and could not deny it.
Arthur St. Clair
In 1757, just in his early 20s, the young St. Clair purchased an ensign’s commission in the British Army and came to America during the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War. He served in Canada during this almost decade-long conflict and was present at the Siege of Louisbourg.
For his heroism, Arthur was promoted to the rank of lieutenant (originally known as leftenant). The year 1759 saw the young soldier at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in Quebec, where Lt. St. Clair seized the colors, which had fallen from the hand of a dying soldier and bore them until the day was won. In May of 1760, he married Phoebe Bayard of Boston, whom he had met while his regiment had been stationed there. They were joined in holy matrimony at Trinity Church in Boston. They would have 58 years and seven children together.
Two years after marrying, Lt. St. Clair resigned his commission and moved to Bedford, Penn., to survey land for the Penn Family. In 1764, the St. Clairs settled in Ligonier Valley, Penn., and through the establishment of several mills, St. Clair would eventually manage to become the largest landowner in western Pennsylvania. The parlor of his home, “The Hermitage,” remains preserved at the Fort Ligonier Museum.
He became surveyor of the Cumberland District in 1770, a justice of the court of quarter sessions and common pleas, a member of the proprietary council and justice, clerk and recorder of the Orphans’ Court.
In 1771, Gov. John Penn appointed him first prothonotary of Bedford County and deputy register for the probate of wills. Three years later, he was appointed magistrate and prothonotary of the newly established Westmoreland County. Penn described him as “… a gentleman … and in every station of life has preserved the character of a very honest, worthy man …”
Soldier, hero
St. Clair, commissioned as a colonel of a Pennsylvania regiment in 1776, raised and trained his regiment in the dead of winter and then marched six companies north to reinforce the American Army in Quebec. Unfortunately, St. Clair arrived to find the army in full retreat upon the death of Gen. Richard Montgomery, for whom the capital of Alabama is named. Col. St. Clair, through familiarity of the terrain and British strategy, saved the army from certain capture.
For his bravery, he was promoted to brigadier general and ordered to join Gen. George Washington and help him raise a militia in New Jersey. On Christmas night, St. Clair’s troops, now under the command of Washington, crossed the Delaware into Trenton and attacked the Hessians at dawn on the 26th. The Continental forces were victorious with 22 Hessian mercenaries killed, 84 wounded and 918 captured.
The empire struck back on Jan. 2, 1777, attacking Princeton and routing the small garrison that escaped over the Assunpink Creek to where Washington had posted several cannons. These cannons, along with musket fire, managed to stalemate the British forces.
That night, a council of war was called and many of Washington’s generals advocated for retreat. St. Clair’s lone voice championed attack. He proposed a daring plan to outflank the enemy and take Princeton. For this, St. Clair’s brigade was given the honor of marching ahead of the advancing army, and his battle plan resulted in a resounding victory for the Continental Army.
It was here that Arthur St. Clair and George Washington formed a strong bond that would last for many years. Even when some would later contest and question the Scotsman’s abilities, Washington, with one exception, always remained supportive and faithful to his friend.
St. Clair was promoted to major general for his “fierce bravery and loyalty” and given command of Fort Ticonderoga in New York. Previously a British stronghold, the fort had been captured in 1775 by Gens. Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold “in the name of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress.” St. Clair arrived in early June 1777 and found the fort in disrepair. Worse yet, it was ill supplied and manned by a garrison of only 2,500.
Winthrop Sargent
Gen. John Burgoyne, “known more for his baggage train than his battles,” according to local historian Joe Whitten, laid siege to the fort with an impressive force of 8,000 British regulars and 2,500 auxiliary members.
Not seeing for the needless waste of life, St. Clair ordered the fort evacuated and later recounted, “I know I could have saved my reputation by sacrificing the army; but were I to do so, I should forfeit that which the world could not restore, and which it cannot take away, the approbation of my own conscience.”
The same cabal who endeavored to replace Washington as commander in chief with Horatio Gates lobbied strongly against St. Clair, decrying him as a “coward” and “traitor.” A court martial was convened, and the trial concluded with St. Clair being acquitted, “with the highest honor, of the charges against him.” Afterwards, naval hero Capt. John Paul Jones wrote to him, “I pray you be assured that no man has more respect for your character, talents, and greatness of mind than, dear General, your most humble servant.”
A leader
Following his vindication, St. Clair continued his active leadership. He commanded at West Point, suppressed a mutiny, continued raising troops and sending them south to aid Washington and Lafayette and served on the court martial that condemned Maj. John Andre, the co-conspirator of turncoat Benedict Arnold. He joined Washington at Yorktown four days before the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. In November, he was given orders to reinforce Gen. Nathanael Greene in his campaign to expel the British from the Carolinas.
The general returned to Pennsylvania following the war and was elected to Congress in 1785. The Pennsylvania Herald reported, “Quorum having been formed in Congress, they proceeded to the choice of President for the ensuing year, when his Excellency Arthur St. Clair, Esq., was elected.”
During his 1787 term, the Northwest Ordinance was adopted, and the U.S. Constitution was drafted. In 1789, he had the great joy of assisting in the inauguration of his friend as the first president of the United States and had once been named as a possible candidate for the vice presidency.
From 1788 to 1803, St. Clair served as first governor of the Northwest Territory and named the city, Cincinnati, Ohio. His second-in-command, Winthrop Sargent, would serve from 1798-1801 as the first governor of the Mississippi Territory, from which Alabama was carved in 1817.
Return to duty
In 1791, St. Clair was once again called into action. As major general, he was tasked with suppressing Native-American resistance, and his force, originally consisting of 2,000, eventually dwindled down through illness and desertion to less than 1,000.
The combined forces of the Miami, Shawnee and Delaware numbered over 1,000 and on Nov. 4, 1791, ambushed the American force. St. Clair, ill with gout, suffered a devastating defeat, and the cries of cowardice and incompetence were once again revived.
Arriving at Philadelphia, St. Clair immediately requested a court martial to clear his name. This was denied by President Washington who called him “worse than a murderer” and demanded his resignation as commander of the Army. Meanwhile, the House of Representatives began an investigation and sided with Gen. St. Clair. They found secretary of war, quartermaster general and other officials in the War Department had ill manned, equipped and supplied Gen. St. Clair’s expedition. The Congress voted against a resolution on the committee’s report, so St. Clair was never officially vindicated.
He was allowed to remain governor – a position he found increasingly difficult following his humiliating forced resignation as commander of the Army. St. Clair, a Federalist, believed that the Ohio Territory should be admitted as two states instead of one to increase the power of his party in the federal congress.
He delivered a speech at the Ohio Constitutional Convention that railed against the Convention and President Thomas Jefferson, “acting like a father betrayed by his son, he used a paternalistic tone and discussed his contributions to the territory, outlining what he had accomplished in fourteen years ….” Jefferson responded by removing St. Clair from office.
Returning home
At almost 70 years of age, the old soldier returned to the Hermitage and facing debts from loans he had given out during the Revolution, attempted to rebuild his wealth. However, the stars in their courses fought against all his attempts to replenish his life, and sheriffs began to sell his property for all the debts he had incurred.
St. Clair beseeched Congress for money he was believed owed to him for his services to his country. The Hermitage was sold, and the St. Clairs moved to a log house called “Chestnut Ridge,” situated near Youngstown, Penn. Several months later, the legislature of Pennsylvania finally granted St. Clair an annuity of $8,400, and shortly before his death, he received from Congress $2,000 in discharge of his claims and a pension of $60 a month.
On his way to Youngstown to purchase goods, St. Clair was thrown from his wagon and found unconscious on the side of the road. He was tenderly carried back to his home, where he passed away surrounded by his family on Aug. 31, 1818, after a departing message of peace forevermore. By November of that same year, St. Clair County, Ala., would be created and bear his name.
He was buried at the St. Clair Cemetery in Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Penn., and his monument, a gift from his Masonic brethren reads: “The Earthly Remains Of Major-General Arthur St. Clair Are Deposited Beneath This Humble Monument, Which Is Erected To Supply The Place Of A Nobler One Due From His Country.”
Always the patriot, in his own words: “I hold that no man has a right to withhold his services when his country needs them. Be the sacrifice ever so great, it must be yielded upon the altar of patriotism.” l
Editor’s Note: Of Alabama’s 67 counties, more than a dozen are named in recognition of those who have some connection as leaders, statesmen or soldiers to the American Revolution. Arguably, none gave so much and received so little in return as Arthur St. Clair. But his name lives on in this Alabama county.
* Originally “Cotaco [co-take-oh]” until renamed in 1821 for American Revolutionary leader, Brig. Gen. Daniel Morgan of Virginia.
** Originally “Cahawba” until renamed in 1820 for William Wyatt Bibb, territorial governor and first governor of the state of Alabama, shortly after his untimely death.
Leroy F. Box and Pleasant Riggs Crump, St. Clair’s witnesses to history
Story by Robert Debter Submitted Photos Photos by Graham Hadley
They both hailed from St. Clair County in the early 1800s. One returned home from the Civil War to live out his life there. The other resettled in nearby Talladega County after the war. But Leroy F. Box of Ashville and Pleasant Riggs Crump of Ragland crossed paths as Confederate soldiers on a fateful day at Appomattox, Va., as eyewitnesses to history.
Soldier, educator,judge, lawmaker
Leroy Franklin Box’s story does not begin in St. Clair County, but in Kent, England, where his family originated. The Box family had a long history of patriotic military service to America from the American Revolution to the War of 1812 and the Seminole War.
He was born at Trout Creek (now Ragland) on April 9, 1837, to Allen and Mary ‘Polly’ Box. Both were from South Carolina and of the Methodist faith. Mrs. Box was described as “true in all relations of life” and “a faithful, devoted Christian.” At the time of his birth, St. Clair County was not even 19 years old, and its boundaries extended farther north into present day Etowah County.
Many of the county’s first, founding and most prominent families, as with his, the Ash and Dean families, came from South Carolina, with many others coming from Georgia (Inzer), North Carolina (Yarbrough), Tennessee (Looney) and Virginia (the Chandler and Cobb). The young Leroy received his early education from Professor Law and Pope and would teach school for several years.
Leroy Franklin Box
In 1860, he became St Clair County’s first superintendent of education but also in 1860 came a very contentious and divisive presidential election in which the winner carried only 18 of 33 states (none were Southern) and received less than 40% percent of the popular vote. South Carolina seceded unanimously (169-0) on Dec. 20 and was followed by Mississippi (83-15) and Florida (62-7) on Jan. 9 and 10, 1861. Then, the hour of decision fell to Alabama and in Montgomery on Jan. 11, the Republic of Alabama was declared in a vote of 61-39.
Box joined Company A of the 10th Alabama Infantry, which had been organized at Montgomery and placed under command of Col. John Horace Forney. The regiment would see action beginning at the Battle of Dranesville in Fairfax County, Va., and continue to be engaged at many noteworthy battles, including: Gaines’ Mill, Frasier’s Farm, Second Manassas (Bull Run), Sharpsburg (Antietam), Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Spotsylvania and Petersburg.
All through the war, Lt. Box studied from law books which were always with him. He married Isabella Vandegrift on April 22, 1866, and journeyed to Calhoun County to continue his law education, all the while still teaching. After obtaining his license, Box returned to Ashville and entered into a partnership with Judge John W. Inzer.
He served one term in the Alabama Legislature, two terms as state superintendent of education and was later nominated, then elected, as judge of the Seventh District. Judge Box was a Mason and a member of Ashville Lodge 186.
His home, built in 1890 by his son-in-law, still stands proudly in Ashville on Box Hill. Its elegance and splendor are displayed and preserved by its owners Lavon and Pat Drake, who operate their business the Ashville House Quilt Shop, in the beautiful Victorian home.
On March 26, 1895, Judge Box passed from this life while holding court at Edwardsville, then the county seat of Cleburne County. The Southern Alliance newspaper eulogized him as “… one more good man gone on before to mansions in the skies.” His epitaph reads: “A just judge always dared to do right, a brave soldier, a true mason, a conscientious Christian devoted to his church and every worthy cause.”
‘The last Confederate veteran’
In October 1864, during the almost year-long Siege of Petersburg in Virginia, a 16-year-old boy from Greensport, who had been in Crawford’s Cove on Dec. 23, 1847, appeared and was placed in the ranks of Company A of the 10th Alabama.
The son of Robert and Martha (Hathcock) Crump had been inspired by a returning soldier in 1863 and had become determined to join the Army and take up the cause for which many Southerners, both high and low born, had fought and died.
After the War, Crump journeyed back to Alabama and began his new life in Talladega County.
Pleasant Riggs Crump
He married Mary Hall on Sept. 19, 1872, and built a home for them near Lincoln in the Acker’s Chapel Community. The honorary title of “colonel” was bestowed to Crump, a member of the United Confederate Veterans, by President Harry Truman, a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and he would be addressed by this title for the remainder of his life. In an apparent show of respect for Confederate veterans, he bestowed the honorary title much like Alabama Gov. Lurleen Wallace appointed Bob Hope an honorary lieutenant colonel in the Alabama State Guard.
Crump was a deacon at Refuge Baptist Church for almost 80 years and read the Bible through several times.
On April 26, 1950, Crump enjoyed a surprise visit from James W. Moore of Selma, commander-in-chief of United Confederate Veterans. The old soldiers clasped hands tightly and held their grip as they talked. Throughout the day they looked over old photos and reminisced of days long ago and old friends now passed.
His final birthday was one of tremendous celebration as friends, neighbors and members of the local Civitan Club gathered around a cake festooned with 104 candles. Col. Crump was made the first honorary member of the club.
His favorite scripture was from St. John 14:1, “Let not your heart be troubled,” and he once confided to a reporter, “I have spent these last few years sitting in a rocking chair and talking with the Lord.”
On Dec. 31, 1951, the flags of the past fell still, and the bugle calls became silent. There would be no more dreams of battle, nor seeing friends fall from rifle, cannon or bayonet. Crump, known as the “Last Confederate Veteran,” had passed away.
The United States flag draped his coffin.
On April 9, 1865, two soldiers, one a lieutenant and the other a private, watched the man who had led the Army of North Virginia ride to the Appomattox Courthouse, dismount his horse and enter. Private Pleasant Crump, uttered to his commanding officer, “… when Gen. Lee comes out after surrendering, he’ll come out without his sidearms, sword or anything else.” Lt. Leroy F. Box, replied, “That won’t happen. He’ll come out the same way he went in.”
About 15 minutes passed, and Lee emerged. He stood for a moment on the front porch and, looking out into the distance, placed a fisted hand into the open palm of another. True to his commander’s word, Pvt. Crump observed that Gen. Lee was still wearing his sword, as he mounted Traveller, and began his journey.
“How did you know it would happen that way?” Crump asked. Box replied, “Lee and Grant both graduated from the U.S. Military Academy. They saw service on the Mexican border together. When secession came, Lee chose the South, and Grant chose the North. There could not have possibly been ill feelings between them.” l
“Northern politicians do not appreciate the determination and pluck (bravery) of the South, and Southern politicians do not appreciate the numbers, resources, and patient perseverance of the North. Both sides forget we are all Americans.” – Gen. Robert E. Lee